
The 5 Healthiest Teas

TeaWhich teas offer the healthiest benefits? Silver Sneakers reveals all:

The 5 Healthiest Teas

By Matthew Kadey, R.D.

Drinking tea can have steep health benefits. Here, we boil down the best types to brew.

Did you know that tea is the most widely consumed flavored beverage in the world? That’s right — Tea - one of the healthiest drinks you can choose to sip. It’s linked to many health benefits, including a lower risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes and cognitive decline. With zero calories and no added sugar, plain tea is a smart choice for hydration (if you’re getting bored with water).

What are the health benefits of tea?

True teas, like black, green, and oolong, are rich in unique disease-fighting plant compounds. They contain high levels of flavonoids, antioxidants believed to be responsible for many of the anti-aging benefits linked to drinking tea.

A 2024 study from the journal Scientific Reports looked at flavonoid intake in over 11,000 U.S. adults and their risk of death from cancer, heart disease and other causes. Those who consumed the most flavonoids, including those found in tea, were 55% less likely to die of cancer and 33% less likely to die of heart disease compared to those who consumed the least flavonoids.

When it comes to herbal teas, each has a different health claim depending on what it’s made from.

And let’s not overlook that drinking tea can help keep you hydrated. Tea is just as good as water for hydration, and it contains no calories or added sugar. Replacing sugary drinks with hot or iced tea can help you stay hydrated while maintaining a healthy weight.

What kind of tea should I drink?

You really can’t go wrong when choosing a tea to drink. They all contain antioxidants and other beneficial plant compounds. What you choose depends on your personal preferences. Here are five top tea choices to help you decide.

1. Black Tea

Black teas have a much darker color and stronger flavor compared to green teas. That’s because they go through an oxidation process. The tea leaves are crushed and exposed to air, turning them brown and intensifying the tea’s flavor.

Types of black tea include:

  • English Breakfast (made from a blend of black teas)
  • Earl Grey (made by flavoring black tea with the oil of bergamot)
  • Darjeeling and Assam (teas grown and produced in specific regions in India)
  • Chai (black tea mixed with warm spices like cinnamon, cardamom and clove)

Black tea contains many powerful antioxidants that help protect your cells from oxidative stress and inflammation. And that may help protect you from developing conditions like heart disease and cancer.

Case in point: a 2023 meta-analysis of 19 studies looked at more than two million people and found that women who drank between one and a half to three cups of black tea per day had a 36% lower risk of developing ovarian cancer.

Just keep in mind that black tea is the most caffeinated tea. An 8-ounce cup has about 50 mg of caffeine (about half of what’s in a typical cup of coffee). So black tea is better served earlier in the day when it’s less likely to disrupt your sleep.

2. Green Tea

Green tea leaves keep their green color because they’re picked while they’re young, then immediately heated (often steamed) to prevent oxidation. This also gives green tea a much milder flavor than black tea. Green tea is considered a “superfood” thanks to its sky-high antioxidant content. In particular, it’s a good source of catechins. Research shows these antioxidants have anti-tumor powers that may help prevent common cancers.

Green tea has been linked to many other potential health benefits, too, including:

  • Improving brain functioning
  • Lowering blood pressure
  • Balancing blood sugar
  • Improving bone strength

With about 30 mg of caffeine per cup, green tea is less caffeinated than black tea. It’s a great option if you’re looking for a gentler morning buzz.

3. Matcha

Matcha is like the superhero version of green tea. Made of finely ground green tea leaves, matcha is a powder you dissolve into water (or other liquid). Since you’re consuming the whole leaf when you drink it, you get even higher amounts of the antioxidants than green tea. It has a much stronger and “grassy” flavor compared to brewed green tea, but the caffeine content is similar. Be wary of trendy matcha lattes or other matcha drinks at cafes — they often contain excessive sugar and little matcha.

You can make a sugar-free matcha drink at home: Heat some water to just under boiling (boiling water will make the matcha taste more bitter). Place a teaspoon of matcha powder in a mug and add 2 to 3 ounces of the hot water. Whisk until frothy and then add more water to dilute the tea to taste. Tea isn’t the only way to use matcha powder. Try some of these creative uses:

    • Add it to smoothies for an antioxidant boost
    • Add to baked goods like pancakes or muffins for green coloring and a subtle grassy flavor
    • Sprinkle it on popcorn
    • Mix it into overnight oats, chia pudding or yogurt and fruit
    • Mix with juice or milk and make matcha popsicle

4. Oolong

Oolong tea falls somewhere between green and black tea. Its leaves are “semi-oxidized,” making it a great option if black tea is too strong for you, but you want something a little more robust than green tea.Oolong contains many of the same antioxidants as black and green teas. There’s less research on the health benefits of oolong tea specifically, but one study found a promising link between oolong tea and higher bone mineral density in postmenopausal women.

5. Rooibos

Looking for the antioxidant benefits of tea without the caffeine? Try rooibos! Technically an herbal tea, rooibos is naturally caffeine-free. Rooibos tea typically has a nutty, malty, earthy and sweet flavor.

While there is less research on rooibos tea, we do know that the herbal brew boasts many antioxidants including flavonoids. To get the most antioxidants from rooibos, you can steep it in boiling water for several minutes.This is different from black and green teas which should be steeped in water just below boiling, and for no more than a few minutes. Black and green tea contain tannins that can make the tea bitter if steeped for too long. Rooibos contains low tannins and can be steeped almost indefinitely without ever getting bitter.

Tips for a Healthier Cup of Tea

Enjoy more than one cup. There is no set amount of tea that you need to consume to receive health benefits, but some experts recommend having at least two to three cups per day of tea to try to maximize the impact.

Don’t rush to sip. How long you steep your tea can impact its antioxidant properties. Steeping tea for about three minutes will release the maximum amount of beneficial plant compounds into your mug.

Give loose leaf a chance. Loose leaf may yield a higher antioxidant load than bagged tea and have better flavor. Use about 1 teaspoon of loose leaf tea for each mug of brewed tea.

Try it cold. Research shows that steeping green tea in cold water for at least two hours can result in the most antioxidant-rich brew. So, consider steeping a batch of green tea in a glass container or jug in the fridge for a few hours, then pour some into a mug and heat in the microwave to warm it up. Or enjoy it as an iced tea during the warmer months.

Hold the sugar. Some people add sugar to their tea, especially black, to counteract the natural astringency of tea. But consuming too much added sugar can lead to health ramifications so try to train your tastebuds to enjoy the stronger flavor of straight-up tea. If you still feel like you need something sweet in your cup, try sweetening your tea with a teaspoon of honey.

And the milk. Ideally, you want to enjoy brewed tea minus the milk since there is research showing that milk proteins like casein as well as milk fat globules may bind up tea antioxidants and make them less useful to us.

Beware of a too-hot brew. Research suggests that drinking too much scalding-hot tea can boost your risk of esophageal cancer, potentially by increasing inflammation. To play it safe, it’s advisable to consume hot beverages at no more than 140 degrees Fahrenheit.

Add a squeeze of lemon. The greasy film that sometimes forms on the surface of a mug of black tea—known as tea scum— is the result of a reaction between the natural plant compounds in tea called polyphenols and calcium carbonate in hard water. If this is displeasing to you a squeeze of lemon juice can reduce or eliminate.



Horoscope for the Week of February 17, 2025 - Mars Redirects in Cancer

AspectsRetrograde Mars redirects this week and gives us extra oomph and energy. See where you can make a powerful positive difference and spread the love.

Here is my favorite book on astrology and a "must" for anyone interested in learning more: Secrets from a Stargazer's Notebook: Making Astrology Work for You and here's a guide to the best books available this month. This column is (c) 2025 MADAM LICHTENSTEIN, LLC., All Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Purposes Only. Madam Lichtenstein is the author of the best selling astrology book “HerScopes ” now in its 12th printing and available as an eBook.


There is a lot to do around house, Aries, and you now that the enthusiasm and stamina to get any longstanding household projects done.  Do some careful planning and start. You may be surprised at how much help you can get, if you ask for it. It seems as if everyone around you is ready and raring to go, go, go.


While the recent past might have seemed like a subdued time for you, you now find that you are much more engaged in the world around you. So state your case, Taurus, and see who you can compel and convince to follow you. You are eloquent and knowledgeable. Show off not only what you know but who you know.

GEMINI   (MAY 22 - JUNE 21)

Money figures more prominently in your life, Gemini. You are able to focus more acutely on what you need to do to feel more financially secure for the future. Your mental acuity is sharp and with the right advice, you will be able to make better decisions that well prepare you for whatever comes your way. So focus, budget and invest.

CANCER   (JUNE 22 - JULY 23)

You are out to make a great first impression, Cancer. That means that wherever you are or wherever you go, you need to look sharp and fashionable. Move in new social circles and find the most influential and powerful benefactors. What you do now impacts your future fortunes.  Meet, greet and sweep people off their feet.

LEO   (JULY 24 - AUGUST 23)

There are some powerful forces working behind the scenes for you, Leo. You never know where that extra help will come from. So as you maneuver through your life now, seek enlightenment and find more ways to give back to the universe through charitable efforts. Your good efforts will lead to positive karma.


Friendships seem to propel you through life now, Virgo. Your ability to engage with others and bring them into your social set will positively impact your future goals. So get more involved in a range of activities that spark your imagination. Expand your base of knowledge and experiences. You never know who you will meet.


Your long term goals get a boost, Libra. Wherever you want to go becomes more possible as you focus on strategy and approach. The go forward with greater purpose and energy. Use what you now learn and apply it to who you know. Those in power may be able to streamline your path and get you further than you think.


Scorpios experience greater expansion and personal purpose as the days go on. You have a curious mind that benefits from new stimuli and experiences. So enrich your life with knowledge and purpose. Travel to someplace new and exotic or study something out of your comfort zone. Either path takes you on an adventure.


You feel energized especially in the area of love and sex, Sagittarius. What stokes your ardor? Who commands your attention and affection? Use this passionate time to explore your needs and wants (as well as the needs and wants of another). There are those who fulfill your desires and make you feel at one with the world.


Examine your current relationships – whether for business or for pleasure - and see if they deliver everything you need, Capricorn. There may be some that need a tweak and others that need greater efforts for a better connection. You will know what to do and with whom. The result will be greater confidence.


Exercise and overall health becomes a greater priority for you, Aquarius. Find more ways to improve your stamina and energy levels. That may mean cutting back on old, not great habits. Or it may involve starting new more positive options. Remember that what you start now will lead to a more robust and healthier future.


Not only are you up for more fun and pleasure in your life, you are able to more easily make it happen, Pisces. Whatever tickles you, explore it and find ways to amuse your muse. Your creativity hits a high note and your enthusiasm brings others to the party. Plan it out carefully and see where your inspiration leads you.

(c) 2025 MADAM LICHTENSTEIN, LLC., All Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Purposes Only. @thestarryeye Find astrology readings on tinyurl.com/TheStarryEye and a great sun sign book at tinyurl.com/Herscopes

Lucky Numbers for the Week of February 14, 2025

Lottery ads tell us you only need a dollar and a dream. But it is also helpful to have a list of lucky numbers to help spur the good fortune ... or fortunes. So with that in mind, here are some lucky numbers that can be used in any helpful way. I gazed into a pool of water, Nostradamus-like, and contemplated the cosmos. Then I mixed the tarot cards and allowed the spirits to guide me to the cards that represent the lucky numbers for this week. Nothing is guaranteed but who knows ....?

Here are the lucky numbers for the week of February 14-20, 2025:

I choose eight numbers because 8 is the number of wealth.

6, 19, 20, 25, 36, 44, 61, 71

There are many ways to delve into your own consciousness to find luck and intuition. Try reading Dream Power/Improve Your Luck (Super Strength Series) and see if your dreams give you any clues and premonitions. Here's a guide to the best books available this month

See the Future In Onions

OnionsHere is a fascinating article in Atlas Obscura about using onions to predict the weather. Here is an excerpt and a way to make your own onion calendar. Enjoy!

On a cold New Year’s Eve in 1967 in Ashley, North Dakota, Donna and Delbert Eszlinger sliced excitedly into a large, round yellow onion. First, they split it lengthwise down the middle. Then, carefully, the couple peeled back the onion’s layers, laying 12 fresh, eye-watering sections side-by-side, and topping each with a teaspoon of salt. The onion wasn’t the makings of a celebratory dish for the new year, but a window into the future. While the ground outside was still frozen, the couple looked to the onion layers to predict the coming year’s weather for their farm.

Early the next morning on New Year’s Day, the couple rose to check their results. How each onion slice reacted to the salt overnight foretold how wet or dry each month would be. They examined each piece in order—the first representing January’s precipitation, the second predicting February, and so on. Some pieces were left with dry salt, indicating a dry month, while the next might have a pool of briny liquid in its center, indicating heavy rains or snow. Caked or crusty salt crystals meant frost, and bubbles hinted at humidity.

The onion calendar, or onion oracle, dates back to the Middle Ages, when onions and other root vegetables were used by farmers to predict precipitation for the year ahead. Some of the oldest records of using onions as an oracle are from the small town of Urbania, Italy, where the tradition is still practiced today.

In Urbania, they do the ritual on the night of January 24, the eve of what’s known in the Catholic calendar as the Conversion of St. Paul, when the man named Saul was struck to the ground by a divine light and decided to become a Christian. Paul had received a sign of things to come on that night, so practitioners believed that the onion could best be read on the magical date.

While the tradition today is best known around Urbania, it can be found elsewhere as well. Australian farmer Halwyn ‘Hally’ Herrmann, for example, used the method for 65 years.

How to Make Your Own Calendar

The practice of making an onion calendar can vary slightly depending on what area you’re in, but the tradition goes something like this:

Step 1: Select a nice round onion. While the color and where it’s grown don’t matter, everyone has their preferences. The Eszlingers prefer yellow. “The yellow one seems to be a sturdier onion,” she says. “So you probably get a better reading that way.”

Step 2: Cut the onion in half lengthwise and carefully separate the six outermost layers so that you have 12 sections total. Lay the sections out in two rows: The first half should be January through June, with January being the outermost layer and June the innermost. The second half represents July (the outermost layer) through December (the innermost).

Step 3: Add a teaspoon of salt in the center of each onion cup.

Step 4: Let sit overnight. Some people keep it inside, but many agree it should be outside to get the most accurate reading.

Step 5: In the early morning—ideally around 5 a.m.—bring the onion inside and quickly jot down your readings before the inside temperatures change the results.

Step 6: Enjoy consulting your onion calendar throughout the year!

Horoscope for the Week of February 10, 2025 - Venus in Aries Sextiles redirecting Jupiter

AspectsVenus enters robust Aries and sextiles redirecting Jupiter. Love is in the air in a big way! Will you be able to hold onto your heart or will it slip away?

Here is my favorite book on astrology and a "must" for anyone interested in learning more: Secrets from a Stargazer's Notebook: Making Astrology Work for You and here's a guide to the best books available this month. This column is (c) 2025 MADAM LICHTENSTEIN, LLC., All Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Purposes Only. Madam Lichtenstein is the author of the best selling astrology book “HerScopes ” now in its 12th printing and available as an eBook.


You are quite the charmer, Aries. Turn it on high. Anything you say comes from an emotionally deep place and can entice anyone you want. With all of this charm at the ready, find ways to get your more profound and inventive opinions out there to others. There are those who listen and make things happen for you.


Happy secrets abound for you, Taurus. It may involve a secret admirer or it may be more philosophical and personally grounding. You will want to reassess what you value and how you can best attain happiness and fulfillment. Use what you already know and what you now see to formulate your next big move in life.

GEMINI   (MAY 22 - JUNE 21)

Friends provide you with love and support, Gemini. This will boost your self-esteem and enable you to expand your social circle into new and influential areas. Those who you meet can help you in lucky ways. Your mission is to decide where you want to go and, once there, how to achieve the greatest personal success.

CANCER   (JUNE 22 - JULY 23)

Your professional path seems to fall into place and make more sense to you, Cancer. It seems that there are those who are working behind the scenes and supporting you in ways that give you greater confidence and aptitude. Thank the cosmos and use this time to cement long term plans, wherever they  take you.

LEO   (JULY 24 - AUGUST 23)

Expansion through study or travel figures prominently for you, Leo. If you have been feeling bored or a bit hemmed in, now is a great time to break away from that mindset and seek greater inspiration. It may come from joining new groups or organizations or travelling with others. One thing can lead to another and another.


Don’t be surprised if the atmosphere around the office heats up in a positive way, Virgo. This can mean more positive attention to your work or maybe a new happier and more cohesive business relationship. Use what you experience and who you connect to now to create a stronger and more secure path for the future.


Certain relationships seem to deepen and evolve, Libra. You learn a lot from others and experience new and adventuresome experiences with others. You are also open to new perspectives and opinions. Reach out and connect with those who you might not have seen for a while. You never know what can happen.


Scorpios enter a healthier time where they feel more robust and happier. This means a better diet or exercise regime as well as a psychological boost where your attitude becomes more optimistic and open. So feed your inner being while also fostering better lifestyle habits. You benefit with wonderful results.


Plan some fun get-togethers while your energy is high and your crowd is enthusiastic. You launch some very inspired and creative events that will not only be lots of fun but also help to create wonderful memories. Mix together some of your relationships and social circles and see what unexpected magic happens.


You might be surprised at how family affairs heat up and become more important, Capricorn. You may be asked to help with and/or plan for future home projects. As you turn your attention to these deeply personal experiences you also forge a deeper connection with certain relatives that changes everyone’s attitude.


You become the center of all of the fun and festivities if that is what you want, Aquarius. Do you have the interest in taking on a series of creative projects? If so, jump in and see who you impress. This can be a time of greater optimism and even a light flirtation that can lead to something stronger. Embrace the possibilities.


You feel much more optimistic about money, Pisces. It could be because family is there to help or it could be that you are developing a more practical and successful monetary approach on your own. Remember that whatever happens now find ways to make to these potentially golden times last into the distant future.

(c) 2025 MADAM LICHTENSTEIN, LLC., All Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Purposes Only. @thestarryeye Find astrology readings on tinyurl.com/TheStarryEye and a great sun sign book at tinyurl.com/Herscopes

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