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One-Line Bio

Sage, author and great humanitarian. Loves to dispense advice whether requested or not.


Charlene Lichtenstein, known as Madam Lichtenstein, is The Starry Eye. She is descended from a long line of persons with extraordinary perceptive powers. Her great aunt, Etta Weimar, was the famous Roumanian card reader to both kings and queens.

A native of New York City, Lichtenstein was educated in Europe where she pursued the study of Tarot and Astrology. She returned to New York and has lived in Greenwich Village ever since, eagerly dispensing advice whether requested or not.

Her monthly and weekly horoscopes are carried in newspapers and websites around the world. Her pet horoscopes are the rage of Europe and her "Movie Pick by Astrological Sign" appears on a major women's website. She hosted a weekly online astrology program on The Washington Post Online. Please check out that site for transcripts of her past shows.