In Honor Of Our Veterans
Question: I picked this up at a yard sale because I thought it was pretty. Anything you could tell me about it would be greatly appreciated. This vase is just over 12 inches tall. Thank you! Jenny
RD Langer answers: Interesting. Japanese, worth around $50-75.
Question: I was wondering if you can give me any information on this vase? I had it sitting on my shelf for years. Thanks, Deborah
RD Langer answers: Deborah, it's Japanese/poor Satsuma; worth around $50.
Question: is this Vase worth anything? Thank you.
RD Langer Answers: Senada, the mark appears to be of the Republic period. (around 1940) I would estimate a value of around $150. However, I suggest you e-mail Dessa Goddard at Bonhams, and see if she has a different view. There isa mark on the outside of the bowl, with a Chinese poem, which may add some value.
Question: Any information you can provide will be helpful. Thank You. Kerry
RD Langer Answers: The vase is Japanese-20th c. Value around $100.
Question:I have this small Chinese porcelain vase is it possibly cloisonné? And what is it worth? Thanks
RDL Answers: Looks like Satsuma but the mark at the bottom is too unclear. Either refine it, or send photos to Banhams in SanFrancisco.
Question: I wonder if you could tell me please if the vases in the attached photos have any value They have been in the family for 60 years that I know of. I realise that the “Made in Japan” mark is not a good sign but at least they don’t have a bar-code! Regards and thanks in advance.
RD Langer Answers: PROBABLY AROUND WORLD WAR II; HEIGHT LOOKS AROUND 8-10"; AUCTION VALUE AROUND $150-225. for pair. "Satsuma type".RDL
Question: hi. was wondering what this jade elephant is worth, Grade A I have been told. It is about 3"x 3" weighs about 12-16 ounces'
RD Langer Answers: If it is jade, from $100-150. I would have to examine it.
Dear Doc need to find out of this is worth anything and possibly how old it might be. Can you help me out please?
RD Answers: Re Vase, probably early 20th century; looks around 7" high. Probably bring $100.-125. at auction. Good luck. RDL
RD Langer Answers: I am going to speculate and assert these papers and photos were removed from a Japanese soldier. Further speculation leads me to believe one photo is of his wife/girlfriend, the others family members. To research these in its entirety, I would have to charge you $125.00 per hour. If I bought them from you, I would give you $100., try to locate the family in Japan, and return everything to them. Kindest regards, R.D.Langer