Chicken Enchiladas with Kid Appeal
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Cool & Slim

How can you keep your cool and your waistline at the same time when the summer sun cranks up the heat?  Here's a few ideas from Medicinenet to stay cool yet slim during this summer.  According to their suggestions, if you allot yourself a treat of 100-150 calories (keep an eye on those calorie counts!), you're more likely to strengthen your resistance against the higher stake goodies out there.  Here are some quick ideas to keep you cool in the summer heat...

Frozen unsweetened fruits: Blueberries, grapes, strawberries, and raspberries are great by themselves or topped with a little low-fat yogurt.

Homemade fruit and cream pops: Fill small, Dixie-style, cups or a Popsicle mold with a blend of fruit and low-fat vanilla yogurt.

Banana chips: Slice and freeze bananas, 12 slices to a bag, to enjoy a cold, creamy treat.

Chilly chocolate chips: A tablespoon of chocolate chips has about 70 calories and offers a cool, quick chocolate fix.

Cold S'mores cups: Place a graham cracker, one large marshmallow, and a few chocolate chips in a small cup and microwave for a few seconds, then freeze.

Diet-friendly floats: Mix a scoop of low-fat vanilla ice cream with diet root beer for a root beer float.

Coffee Coolers: Blend ice with coffee, cocoa, and low-calorie sweetener to taste for a 15- rather than 500-calorie coffeehouse-style cooler. 


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