An Old Sibling Issue That Still Hurts
Dr. E, guest blogger
I have one sibling, a brother three years older than I am. As kids, we really had very little to do with each other. Just being different genders was one reason, but there were others.
We had to change schools every three years because each school housed only three grades, so every time I entered a school, my brother exited, on his way to the next school. And we had very different interests: my brother loved ham radio stuff, and I was into tropical fish and children's theatre.
So it's hard to say whether or not we got along, since we really didn't have much of a relationship at all until we got older. My parents, however, created a problem that angered me to no end, while my brother seemed hardly aware of it.
At one point, our Dad, who loved new cars, got one just about the same time my brother got his driver's license, so instead of trading in the older car, our Dad kept it. Before I got my license, my brother had exclusive use of the older car, of course, but when I got my license, I thought we would share the older car. I was so wrong.
My brother considered the car his property and did not want me driving it, and my otherwise good parents, agreed. Their thinking, they said, was that as a teenage girl, my dates would pick me up in their cars, but as a boy, my brother would need the car to pick up his dates. But why I was not allowed to drive the car when my brother didn't need it for a date was a question my parents never answered.
I feel hurt and angry as I write this even though it was decades ago. Call it boy over girl favoritism; call it older child favoritism; call it our parents deciding it was easier to argue with me than with him; call it the erroneous sociological and parenting ideas of the decade (the 1950's); or just call it what it was...totally unfair.
What could my otherwise good parents have been thinking!
I'm Dr. E, guest blogger. For more information, click on the following resources:
Siblings Without Rivalry:How to Help Your Children Live Together So You Can Live Too
Keep the Siblings,Lose the Rivalry
Brothers:26 Stories of Love and Rivalry
The Importance of Sibling Relationships in Psychoanalysis
Making Brothers and Sisters Best Friends
Brothers and Sisters:Developmental,Dynamic,and Technical Aspects of the Sibling Relationship