Nov 22, 2013
Thanks to Facebook, I started the morning sharing thoughts with people who were in my English class when we heard that President Kennedy had been shot.
Later, I thought about one of my New York heros, Leonard Bernstein. I have posted about him many times. I even posted the speech he wrote for a UJA benefit he spoke at on November 25th, the night after he conducted Mahler's Second in a memorial concert for John F Kennedy.
Because of another post in the Forgotten Musicals group on Facebook, I became friends with someone who works at the Leonard Bernstein Office. Today, I called to find out when that speech would be republished. He provided me with this link from the Leonard Bernstein website that contains much more backstory and context.
You can read my posts any time. Read the link from the Leonard Bernstein website today in memory of JFK.
Nov 24, 2013. The New York Philharmonic posted their remembrance of the concert. Their link also includes Berstein's full written text of the speech to the UJA and his score for the concert.