Cutting Through the Clutter: Sexy Magazine Ads Dripping with Testosterone
In the world of advertising consumer "engagement" is the name of the game - and what better way for mundane products to draw attention to themselves than through the tactic of sex appeal. Six examples follow:
- Pastamatic. This ad ran in epicurean magazines in the mid-1980s (note all of the mustaches). Its selling point: "Inside every PastaMatic there's the skill of 10 Italian chefs with the strength of 20 muscular arms."
- Martex. Cute guy with cute baby - always a winner.
- Dial Soap. From the happy face of this flight attendant you can tell this ad was from the 1990s - before the airlines started slashing staffs and cutting salaries of its flight attendants.
- Salem Cigarettes. No, this isn't an ad for iced tea, but a typically ludicrous cigarette ad - but it got this nonsmoker's attention.
- Mademoiselle Magazine. The magazine ran its "This Miss is a Hit" ad campaign in the mid-1980s. Alas, Mademoiselle hit hard times and ceased publication in 2001.
- Grover Brothers Fabrics. What a beautiful way to display fabric!
This is part of an ongoing series on sexy magazine ads. Here are previous installments:
Magazine Ads with Sex Appeal - the Sequel
Magazine Ads with Animal Magnetism
Men as Sex Objects - Yet More Sexy Magazine Ads
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