Celebrating The Sexiest Part of A Man's Body
In an episode during the first season of HBO's gay drama Looking, Patrick (played by Jonathan Groff) confides to a friend that he could lick his Hispanic boyfriend's hairy armpits for days. Friends of mine and I agreed that this was a comment only a gay man could appreciate. What makes the armpit such a turn-on? Perhaps it's the animal attraction created by the pheromones found there. Or, unlike the pubic hair around a guys cock and balls, we can catch glimpses of armpit hair in public. Last year I published "Paying Lustful Homage to Hairy Armpits" which was very popular. Movie sequels are dicey because they often aren't as good as the original, but I'm hoping that's not the case with this post.
Even though it keeps getting thinner and the page size smaller, you can count on Next Magazine to have good armpit shots, sometimes on the cover or table of contents page.
We're bombarded with ads for feminine hygiene products and all sorts of medical conditions, yet deodorant/anti-perspirant advertisers are loathe to show a hairy armpit. That's what makes a current campaign for Kraft Zesty Italian salad dressing so interesting. Similar to Old Spice, the campaign features a sexy bare chested guy in a towel or swim trunks. And although he has a smooth chest he prominently displays his hairy armpits. That's fine with me but even I find it a curious juxtaposition.
Speaking of advertising for deodorants, hairy armpits are rarely shown (at least in the US), so this TV ad for Degree Dry Spray for Men is notable - and welcome.
During the 2012 Summer Olympics I wrote about divers being sexier than swimmers because they don't shave as much of their body hair. Two years later I think gymnasts trump divers because of how their muscled biceps enhance their armpits.
Football, basketball and tennis players also have armpits to show off, courtesy of Michael Sam, Brandon Roy and Rafael Nadal.
The ads for gay.com always feature hairy armpits, even if the hair is often clipped.
Here's a nice shot from the 2007 gay-themed movie Shelter.
This photo of Indian actor Ranveer Singh caused some controversy in India, where it's frowned upon for someone of social prominence to expose a hairy armpit.
A typical sexy fashion spread from a 2013 issue of Out Magazine. And his treasure trail is an added bonus.
Kittens romping all Max Greenfield in a scene from the Fox sitcom The New Girl.
While it's easy to see pit hair at the beach or gym, some of the best sightings are when you catch a glimpse somewhere else. For example, what I like about this photo is that the armpit is somewhat hidden, showing just a hint of pit hair sticking out.
From the pages of Playgirl back in the late 1980s. This centerfold was a fireman from Southern California.
Finally, this sexy shot is of the virginal (and adorable) lead character from the silly 2006 movie simply titled Another Gay Movie.
"The" sexiest part of a man?? Ooh, I think that depends on the man. For me, with some men it's the lips, some the nose. Or with some, all it takes is a thick set of eye lashes. There are just... so... options!
Posted by: Maury Schott | 07/01/2014 at 09:49 PM
Ah, you took me back to high school days, sitting on the gym floor looking up the Italian coach's short sleeved shirts to see his hairy pits. He knew it too. Then, today, on the uptown E train, two youngish men displaying pit hair, and I so wanted to take photos. Please keep up this very important work, Rob.
Posted by: Frank | 09/04/2014 at 01:19 AM