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May 2006
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July 2006

A Health Clinic in Brooklyn

Just finished reading a great article in the New York Times about a new health clinic that opened up in Sunset Park, New York. While offered through Maimonides Medical Center, most of its patients are Chinese. Some changes had to be made to the facility. Two are of note for this blog:

The opening day date had to be changed because it was an unlucky date. It was moved to the next day.

White is the color of death and so the usual white clinic walls are painted in yellow and pink tones.

Cultural changes such as these have made the clinic a great success.

The Sun The Moon and the Market

So there's this big investor Robert Taylor who has found that the earth's gravitational pull (as measured by the tidal patterns) affects the stock market. When the pull is at its weakest, the stock markets hits a high (as it did in 2000). When it is at it strongest, the market plummets (as it did in 1987). I guess I will have to start to invest via the Almanac....

Ghost Hunter Tours

Ever want to tag along with a bunch of ghost hunters? You can! Book a ghost hunt with the Moundsville Economic Development Council at the former West Virginia Penitentiary in Moundsville. While nothing cosmic is guaranteed, the jail is supposed to be an unusually haunted setting and there have been many sightings. So here are the particulars: Check their site Ghost Tours . Tours are held one Saturday a month from March to November and costs $50 which includes pizza and a film about the prison. Tours begin at 8p and end at 6a. You will not feel sleepy.....

Light Lounge

Check this out - There is a hip new therapy for seasonal depression: The Light Lounge where you can kick back and relax on a large circular couch and bake your winter blues away. The lights are designed to increase serotonin levels that ward off depression. I wonder if my desk lamp would work....

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