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Solstice Today

Summer Solstice - Wednesday, June 21 -- 8.26am Eastern  -- 5.26am Pacific
The Summer Solstice is a time of growth, a celebration and harmony with nature, energy and rejuvenation. We have planeted the seeds and they begin to sprout. Energy, output and balance.

This is the longest day of the year - don't waste a minute!

Jenni Stone has a terrific Astrology newsletter. I just received her mailing on the Solstice. Here is what she had to say: The Summer Solstice is the magical moment when our ancestors gathered to celebrate  the shortest night of the year. This is the moment when the Sun enters the constellation sign of Cancer and the earth's Northern axis begins to turn away from the Sun and back towards winter. 

In Shakespeare's "Midsummer Night's Dream" he showed the Druid celebrations where the Fairy People became visible to humans.  In the play, Fairies used spells to "make" humans get dressed up and infatuously fall in love with animals and people who were inappropriate for them. (Some of us have done that without help from Fairies !)

In the play, Shakespeare talks about how people experience predictive dreams in the nights before the Solstice.   Sometimes these dreams are so overwhelmingly "real" that they can carry over to the daytime and then people act foolishly because so much of their conscious mind is caught up in the images of the dream. 


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