Lisa McLeod is the author of "Forget Perfect" which offers career advice bordering on new age inspriations. She advises that balance is an impossibility. So forget balance!
Keep on a more even keel by remembering these three things: Congruence (be yourself wherever you are - work, home, in all types of relationships), Connection (be in the moment all the time. "Don't dwell on what has passed away, or what has yet to be" as Leonard Cohen says.) and Contribution (how can you be the best you can be to those around you. Forget ego, go with your heart.)
I think we can get so scattered, wrapped up in trivial details, obsessed on things that we can't change and off and running in our own stressful world of tiny details that we lose sight of the bigger picture and wind up not maximizing our chances for success. Some folks achieve greater balance through meditation or yoga. For those not so inclined, it seems to be that remembering these three little words may be a way to achieve greater balance.
This is from an article by Karen Salmansohn.