Astrology by Steuben
Even upscale gift seller Steuben glass is getting into the new age. Consider the following gift item:
The Language of Signs offers a wide selection of ready-to-engrave symbolic visuals that add special meaning to your gifts for a fixed price. Choose from stylized Zodiac Signs (great for birthday gifts), Zodiac Symbols (a bull representing Taurus, for example), Chinese Zodiac ideograms marking individual birth years (e.g. "Year of the Monkey") in the recurrent 12-year cycles of the Chinese Lunar Calendar, Chinese Words that express good wishes including "Happy Birthday" and others, or special Icons representing a sport or interest such as golf or poker. With Steuben's new Language of Signs, the possibilities are limited only by your imagination!
Here is a Steuben link with some nice zodiac stemware. (Be careful Sagittarians - they are very breakable!)
If anyone needs an all purpose / all sign gift how about this nice bowl with all the signs:
Aren't the holidays coming soon.....?