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February 2008 Pet Horoscope

February 2008 Horoscope

Here is your free February 2008 monthly horoscope:


Expect a whirlwind of romantic dreams this February as feisty Mars trines foggy Neptune. We live in a magic state. So give and get your assorted valentines while the heat and your heart smolder. Will you get burnt? Do you care?

Aquarians are focused on getting out in front of the crowds and having fun this February. And why not? Mars trine Neptune creates opportunities for you to become the social epicenter of any fabulous event. Keep things under control so others (and you) do not get out of hand. Of course there can never be too many hands when the body politic is involved....

Happy Birthday Aquarius! Read all the other signs here.
Linda Goodman's Love Signs: A New Approach to the Human Heart an interesting, fun and insightful book and at 944 pages, it is comprehensive. This 5-star rated, classic guide is all about relationships and covers every possible combination of signs.


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