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Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius

Eminent astrologer Felissa Rose writes to us about the upcoming Mercury Retrograde. Please visit her website for more great articles. And you can reach her at her email at: [email protected]



The planet Mercury will be going retrograde on January 28, 2008 at 3:32 PM Eastern Standard time at 23 degrees 48 in the sign of Aquarius. On February 18, 2008 at 9:58 PM EST Mercury will be going direct at 8 degrees 19 minutes also in Aquarius.

Aquarius is the astrological sign ruling electricity and technology. Mercury governs wires, mechanical equipment and communications. This increases the likelihood of power outages and electrical breakdowns possibly due to inclement winter weather. Take steps to back-up your hard drive and data and try to avoid purchases of technological equipment until Mercury goes direct. When equipment breaks down one often has to purchase replacements out of necessity.

Several years ago my phone answering machine went in the midst of a Mercury retrograde period. Bought a new one which worked and is still working beautifully except for one major flaw. There was no way to mute the sound of incoming calls. So whenever I was having dinner or in the midst of a meeting I could hear the incoming message.

Mercury will next be retrograde during 2008 from May 26 to June 19, and September 24 to October 15.
An excellent book on this subject is Retrograde Planets: Traversing the Inner Landscape, by Erin Sullivan.


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