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February 2008

Najom Ely - Nighttime Astrology

There is a very popular radio show coming from Nazareth called “Najom Ely,” or “Nighttime Astrology,” and it is hosted by Dored Zarkawi. It is a radio talk show devoted to helping Arab Israeli women solve their most pressing problems via astrology and some good sage advice.

Host Zarkawi combines astrology and modern psychology to help advise Arab women as to how to balance the fast-paced freedoms of secular Jewish Israel and the customs of Arab society. The program is broadcast out of Nazareth’s A-Shams radio station (101-FM; www.ashams.com) from 10 p.m. to midnight every Wednesday and receives hundreds of calls at a time.

Thousands of women tune in to Zarkawi’s show each week, listening as callers seek the host’s astrologically inspired insights into their finances, jobs, health, love and children. Zarkawi, who’s been on the air for 14 years, studied astrology in nonaccredited courses at Haifa University while completing his master’s degree in Arabic literature. He avers that astrology is not considered a science, yet he firmly believes that one’s astrological sign can help determine one’s personality. I agree.

I wish I understood Arabic so I could listen in. Maybe one day he will be simulcast in English?

Read the full artilce: Arab Israeli Women Tune In For Advice by Diana Bletter which can be found in The Forward.

The Starry Night Bed: from the 2008 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas

Starrynight_3Is This the Bed of the Future?

I've been reading all about the latest gadgets being showcased at the 2008 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. The item that caught my "starry eye" is the Starry Night Bed, now that sounds like something I should have. But what makes a bed a "Starry Night Bed?" Well, the people at Leggett & Platt describe it as:

the archetype of modern sleep -- a pioneering combination of technology and bedding to create an environment that is intelligent, intuitive and comfortable.

Some of the features include anti-snore technology, programmable temperature control and sleep diagnostic features. It also includes a lot of entertainment features like an iPod docking station, internet connectivity, an LCD projector in the headboard, and wireless RF remote via Microsoft's Media Center.

It won't be available until Spring/Summer 2009 and at a cost of $20,000 to $50,000 I hope your current mattress is stuffed with cash. Leggett & Platt calls this the "bed of the future." I'd say that, given so many electronic opportunities to entertain yourself in this bed, this may also be a "cure" for the population explosion.

Top Ten Cosmic World Posts for 2007

It's hard to choose, because I love 'em all, but since you've insisted, here are my favorite top 10 posts of 2007.

Mermaids and their Annual Parade
Baraka (why this film is a must see)
Astrology Songs for all the Signs
Your Carbon Footprint: An Inconvenient Statistic
Voting Booth Feng Shui
Quick Way to Judge Compatibility?
Feng Shui Tips for S*x
Virtual Stargazing

2008 Olympics and the Number 8
Magnolia Electric Company's Menacing Moon

Absinthe: The Green Fairy

Absinthe "Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder." - Madam Lichtenstein

Sure, I like a good mood elevator every so often and now a legendary outlawed drink is suddenly gaining popularity again. Absinthe, the beverage of artists and wits is also known as the "Green Fairy," the tongue-numbing, stomach-warming, green drink that lets you forget all your troubles. This eerily iridescent cocktail was popular in smokey 19th century French cafes and is now being enjoyed in a vast array of other modern places.

If you are bold enough to give it a try you'll want to know how this decadent ritual works. You pour a bit of absinthe in the glass then lay a specially designed slotted spoon over the top. Place a sugar cube in the bowl of the spoon and position the glass under a spigot of the absinthe fountain. Let icy cold water drip out over the sugar cube sweetening the drink and diluting to taste, usually a 3:1 to 5:1 ratio of water to absinthe. As the water drips over the sugar, the absinthe slowly turns from emerald to opalescent light green, truly an intoxicating transformation. I have heard that dentists love it.

Absinthe is said to be addictive which is why it was banned for so long. I am not sure why they are letting the beast out of the bottle now but as long as it is, consider trying absinthe at your next get together. There are even some enterprising businesses that are creating absinthe fountain sets such as this one available at hammacher.com.

So here is the secret - absinthe is 144 proof and, aside from the alcohol, absinthe contains some psychoactive substances. The effects of absinthe can be mood brightening, stimulating even euphorizing. But, if you remember what happened to Van Gogh's ear, you'll want to use caution, too.
Read more about the vibrant and devoted contemporary scene Absinthe: Sip of Seduction, a Contemporary Guide.
As you are enjoying the absinthe ritual you might like to listen to this lounge compilation of music Absinth: The Finest Ambient House by various artists.

Predictions for 2008

Astro It's that time of year when astrologers are expected to look ahead and see what they cosmically see. Okay, why not? In no particluarly order, I offer these humble predictions for the year(s) ahead.

1. Since Pluto is moving into Capricorn this new year, I see a shift away from religious based actions and a move to more pragmatic and practical applications for world unrest. Sagittarius is the sign of religion, expansion and exhuberance and for the past few years I think that is what we have seen; an expansion of religiosity that permeates most of the global dialogue. I expect things to quiet down somewhat and become less chaotic. Or maybe, with strict Capricorn, unrest will be tampered down repressively. Not matter how it is done, the world stage should be much quieter than it has been in recent eyars. Strategic partnerships will be forged from past enemies and the work will begin to rebuild. It will not be easy but then, is anything really easy?

2. Television as we know it will evolve. 2008 will bring more to the little screen – whether mobile phones (and other mobile devices) and the internet. The internet particularly can have long term negative impact for television; As more tv sets become LCD or Plasma digital units that can be wirelessly connected to a computer, viewers will be able to call up television programs, movies and other video content online whenever they want it. Viewing on demand via the web will change the dynamic of television viewing forever and networks will either adapt or fail. This as we move closer to the true Age of Aquarius.

3. Expect a great step forward in our quest for alternative fuels. Clean coal, solar power and hydrogen will become viable and cost efficient. Pluto rules transformative change - change where change is needed - and there is no greater need for change than in our fossil fuel consumption levels.

4. Since Capricorn is also thrifty, expect an era of careful budgeting and tight spending. Hopefully this energy can get us back to the surplus days of the Clinton administration. At any rate, don't expect to see people over-extending their credit limits. Once burned, twice careful .. at least with Capricorn who learns by its past mistakes.

If you'd like to try your hand at predicting the future, you might benefit from reading:  Crystal Ball Gazing: The Complete Guide to Choosing and Reading Your Crystal Ball by Uma Silbey.

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