Vitamin D
A Ray Of Sunshine In The Fight Against Cancer: Vitamin D May Help
The “new aspirin” that shows healhful benefits could be Vitamin D. Just as we discovered that aspirin can guard against heart disease, Vitamin D could become a useful weapon in the fight against MS, osteoporosis, mild depression and cancer.
“As time has gone by, Vitamin D has raised its head as a sort of ambrosia for cancers,” says Dr. Louise Parker. “One of the most important sources of Vitamin D is from the sun and through your skin,” she says. But sun screen is also highly recommended to prevent skin cancer. So the Canadian Cancer Society recommends that Canadians take at least 1,000 units a day of Vitamin D. It is a bit of a rare vitamin, appearing only in fatty fish, cod liver oil and egg yolks. Even if you were to sunbathe in southern climates, you would not take in 1,000 units.
She notes Vitamin D deficiency turns up in people with lung and colon cancer. And in a study examining whether women who took Vitamin D had a lower risk of osteoporosis, it was found the women taking Vitamin D had stronger bones than those who did not take the vitamin. Years later, researchers went back to that study and found that the women who took Vitamin D also had fewer cancers.
But before Vitamin D becomes the “new aspirin,” more research needs to be carried out. As with many things, lifestyle also has to be part of the equation.
Check out the full article at Science Daily. Also look at The Complete Idiot's Guide to Vitamins and Minerals which covers all the latest research and developments in vitamins and more.