Zodiac Sign Body Painting and Personality Traits
Uranus Toilet Paper: Lost in Translation?

After Sex Comments by Astrological Sign of the Zodiac

Zodiac_sex Does the following sound familiar? If you find yourself making the same comment over and over, vow to get more original. This list may also be helpful if the person, whose head is on the other pillow (or wherever...), is someone you don't know very well -- maybe you can get a clue as to his/her astrology sign.

Aries: "Okay, let's do it again! ... my way!"

Taurus: "I'm hungry--pass the pizza."

Gemini: "Have you seen the remote?"

Cancer: "When are we getting married?"

Leo: "Wasn't I fantastic?"

Virgo: "I need to wash the sheets."

Libra: "I liked it if you liked it."

Scorpio: "Perhaps I should untie you."

Sagittarius: "Don't call me--I'll call you."

Capricorn: "Do you have a business card?"

Aquarius: "Now let's try it with our clothes off!"

Pisces: "What did you say your name was again?"
Here are two books you will enjoy:
Love After Sex: Relationships by the Stars
Astrologically Incorrect for Lovers: Slightly Wicked Advice for Seducing Any Sign of the Zodiac


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