Astrology and The Stock Market
Dan Dorfman from The New York Sun, just posted this astrological assessment about the state of the country and the stock market based on one of my favorite astrologers Bob Marks. Fair warning - Dan Dorfman is a market bear meaning that he usually thinks doom and gloom. But now, enlisting the assistance of the eminent Bob Marks, he bolsters his outlook with astrology. Please put down your coffee....
I summarize it here but go to the link above to read the entire article:
As if there weren't enough economic and stock market bears around, we've got some new ones — the moon, the sun, and the stars. The outlook from the heavens is hardly heavenly.
Bob Marks, a professional Big Apple astrologer and TV personality has been tracking planetary movements for more than 27 years and boasts some remarkable predictions. One of his notable market forecasts came in early 1998, when stock prices were spiraling. He predicted at the time that two years later, on Valentine's Day, February 14, 2000, the bull market would end. As it turned out, the market began to cave in on March 17, 2000, just four weeks later than he had predicted. At that point, the market went down, bounced back, and then collapsed.
His latest message from the heavens, as it turns out, is more alarming than what I have heard from some of the gloomiest individuals: The country's current astrological problem, financially, as Mr. Marks sees it, is that come Election Day (November 4, 2008), two planets — Uranus and Saturn — will oppose each other. Uranus, he notes, rules high-tech companies, while Saturn is a planet of difficulty, delays, and obstacles.
"When these two planets oppose each other," he explains, "it means we're in for a very bumpy ride both in the economy and the stock market." He also sees 2009 as "a very bad year for technology stocks," which he expects "will drag down the rest of what should be an unstable and roller-coaster market throughout the year." He sees a similar rocky performance for the balance of 2008.
Making matters worse, Jupiter, a planet that makes things larger, will enter the picture after the first week of January. That signifies, he says, the prospects of significantly higher inflation, which should push the rising price of gold even higher.
He concludes that the next president will not be in office long enough to accomplish anything significant because most likely he will not serve out his first term. The latest national polls indicate that Senator Obama will be the next occupant of the White House. Mr. Marks sees tough sledding ahead for the Illinois senator, however, noting his horoscope shows a sudden rise followed by a sudden fall. "Senator Obama's problem is that he has already had his sudden rise," Mr. Marks says.
Take all the above for what it is worth. As for me, I am very happy to buy stocks when they are low. Maybe what we are looking at is a buying opportunity in late 2009? But I will leave that to the experts - both astrological and financial.
Related reading: The Financial Universe: Planning Your Investments Using Astrological Forecasting : A Guide To Identifying The Role Of The Planets And Stars In World Affairs, and Finance