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November 2008 Horoscope and Horoscope for Week of October 27, 2008

Blsky Get on the campaign trail as this presidential November gets underway and lucky Jupiter trines hard-working Saturn. The cosmos is swirling with buoyant luck and gives us an extra vote to insure our success. So don’t sit on your stump. Go out and vote! Recommended reading: How to Win a Fight with a Conservative or read How to Win a Fight with a Liberal. And furthermore read: Get in the Booth! A Citizen's Guide to the 2008 Elections.

Your great ideas hit their mark. Say what’s on your mind to both superiors and subordinates. (Be diplomatic...) Soon you  forget the day to day grind and concentrate on the bigger picture. Yes, long lunches and afternoon naps on your office couch.

TAURUS   (APRIL 21 - MAY 21)
Bulls unleash their artistic muse and create a masterpiece.Don’t fritter this energy on party pranks and cheap thrills. Later in the month all those artistic ideas evaporate and you’ll become just another cog in the corporate wheel. Axle grease anyone??

GEMINI   (MAY 22 - JUNE 21)
Problems from the past are bubbling under the surface and need to be expressed before they erupt. Good; Twins can do what they need to do to pave over disagreements and live life to the fullest. Don’t kowtow to anyone. (Ha! As if you ever could!)

CANCER   (JUNE 22 - JULY 23)
Get focused on your finances. Crabs are angling for a fat wallet and a cushy financial pillow. Take time to study the small print though; There is time to fit the puzzle together after Thanksgiving but first you have to collect all the little pieces.

LEO   (JULY 24 - AUGUST 23)
Lions want to slim down in time for the holidays. Strike while the spirit and flesh are willing. At the same time you find ingenious ways to enjoy life and lust to the fullest without the extra calories. As you well know, sugar is better spread than eaten.

Virgins have trouble focusing on one topic for an extended  period, but who cares? The idea is to accumulate all sorts of seemingly useless and frivolous ideas. You will be amazed on how you can build on these snippets and create a master plan.

Be politic if you can around family. Anything you let drop will create a sinkhole. Secrets are exposed and so are you. But this may not be a bad thing. Oftentimes vulnerability is attractive and sexy. I guess you will find out if this is one of those times.

Scorps feel like a chameleon trying on different personal styles to see which one fits just right. While you explore, seek like minded social groups and test some opinions. But don’t go for consensus. Test the limits to get a true read.  

Archers who have been working hard will reap rewards. Those who have slid by on their oily charm may have a second chance to prove themselves. Who knows? By Thanksgiving you could be the main corporate flavor. Let’s hope it is not roasted turkey.

Caps need a bit of zest and can put the zip back into their current life course or find even greener pastures to explore. Viva la difference; Not only can you discover new things about yourself, you can also find some new and exciting travel mates.

Paging Dr. Freud: What is it that is holding you back from true happiness? By Thanksgiving  you’ll tire of staring into your navel and seek to stare into someone elses navel. Of course, as Freud said, sometimes a navel is just an orange.

Fish are more focused than usual on partnerships. Put your cards on the table and see the points add up. By Thanksgiving you lustily trump your partners ace and win the trick. Before you know it you win the game and become a grand master.

Can’t get enough? Don't miss out -- click here to subscribe to my Cosmic World news feed. And take a look at Lichtenstein’s astrology book "HerScopes" -- it's an international sensation. Buy it and feel the vibration. (c) 2008 THE STARRY EYE, LLC., All Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Purposes Only.


Mad Men and Tarot Cards

I am a big fan of AMC's original series Mad Men (Sunday nights at 10p on AMC) which is the story of advertising executives on New York City's Madison Avenue in the 1960s. With all the press, publicity and awards that the show and its stars have won, it is likely that most people have heard of it. But no one (so far) has talked about the Tarot Card element in the series which came out full bloom in last week's episode: Episode 12 of the second year which is called "The Mountain King".

In this latest episode, the main protagonist, ad man Don Draper, gets his tarot cards read by Anna who says, "You are part of the world, air, water, everything is connected to you.... the only thing keeping you from being happy is thinking you are alone." For viewers of the series, we know this to be spot on correct.

Mad man

But there is another Tarot Card element in the Mad Men series. It is small but significant: Matthew Weiner is the creator of Mad Men. His production company logo is the Tarot Card of The Sun which, in a reading, indicates, glory, getting your life's desire and all things good. Certainly with all the acclaim that Mad Men has garnered, Matthew Weiner is reaping the rewards that The Sun tarot card indicates. Look for his production company logo after the credits in the show.

Did you know that there is a blog on the AMC website on the subject? Weigh in with your reading of the tarot card spread there.

The Mad Men second season finale is tomorrow night - Sunday October 26, 2008 at 10pm on AMC network. View full season of Mad Men on DVD or Blu-ray or download an episode here.

The Cemetery As The New Party Place

This may not be for everybody, but I happen to enjoy going to cemeteries. I find them interesting, peaceful and often very beautiful. In fact my favorite place to visit while in Paris is the famous Pere Lachaise Cemetery where Jim Morrison, Isadora Duncan, Chopin, Delacroix and Edith Piaf are all buried (among other notables and not-so-notables). Parisians spend hours on the weekends strolling through the cemetery visiting their favorite luminaries.

Apparently there is a group that takes it one step further and encourages people to picnic and party at the cemetery. This from Cool News:

"We want the cemetery used as part of the fabric of the community, not to just be lost in time," says Raymond E. Tubbs, president of the Friends of Center Cemetery, in East Hartford, Conn., and is actively promoting graveyards as a great place to have a party. He's not the only one: "All over Connecticut, foundations and organizations charged with maintaining cemeteries are opening their grounds to other groups as a way to raise money or raise awareness of how much it takes to maintain them."

A Hartford-based "business leadership group" is among those responding to the idea that burial grounds are cool, and hosted an "annual social gathering" at Cedar Hills
Cedar Hill boasts some 270 acres of cemeterial beauty, and, in addition to throwing parties and socials, "also hosts jazz concerts and a variety of tours highlighting both the cemetery's flora and fauna and notable people, like J.P. Morgan, Samuel Colt and Katherine Hepburn, who are interred there." Cedar Hill's biggest annual event is, of course, it's "haunted history tour at Halloween." 

Paw Reading instead of Palm Reading

There is a great post on Madam Lichtenstein's Cosmic World sister site, Petopia, on Paw Readings which are palm readings for pets.  Palm readings can reveal all sorts of information about a person including health, life length and marriage / children. Check out this fascinating post to see how this all relates to your furry friends and relatives.

Free Birthday Report: A Personalized Profile of Astrological, Mystical, Cosmic, Fun Facts, and More

Cosmic Candle This free personalized birthday calculator offered courtesy of Paul Sadowski is great fun -- all you have to do is enter your date of birth. You will learn the following: approximate date of your conception, the day of the week you were born and your astrological sign, your life path number and compatibility, a fortune cookie reading, your Chinese horoscope sign, your Native American zodiac sign, the Mayan Calendar long count date of your birth, celebrities who share your birthday, top songs of your birth year, your lucky day and lucky number, the mystical properties of your birthstone, the moon's phase on the day you were born -- and more!

There are links to more information on some of the profile items. For example you can link from your life path number to a page this gives you a numerology perspective. My friends and I had lots of fun at this site -- I think you will enjoy it, too.

This also presents a budget holiday gift idea. There is a link at the bottom of each profile that lets you print out a nicely formatted copy of a report. Enter your friend's birthday into the calculator and print out a copy on pretty paper. You'll have a personalized gift that almost anyone would enjoy -- and the cost is pennies.
If you like the idea of creating your own gifts, you will find more inspiration here: Handmade Gifts from the Heart. Check here for astrology and new age gift ideas.
photo: Cosmic Candles, beautiful, unique candles hand-crafted in New Hampshire

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