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Horoscope for Week of October 20, 2008

Predicting the 2008 Presidential Election: The Kippah Poll is an Unusual One

Bipart With the elections coming up in a few weeks it seems that every day there is a new poll. While I'm a big fan of the statistically accurate sampling, blah, blah blah type of polls, I also seek out those polls that offer a more unique approach.

Take, for example, the Kippah Poll conducted by Vanity Kippah. There's nothing  scientific about this poll, it just tallies up the sales of the McCippah kippahs (yarmulkes) and compares this number to the number of Obamica kippahs.  From the inception of this rather famous Kippah Poll, the McCippah maintained a consistent lead over the Obamica, until September 3 when the trend reversed. Read all the posts regarding the Kippah Poll here -- I'm hoping they do an update soon. If you want to buy one, and add your vote to the poll, you can pick up your choice selection for the bargain price of $10 each.

If you've discovered other unusual polls please share them by commenting here. And for comparison, read my astrological prediction of the 2008 presidential election and All My Astrological Posts Relating to 2008 Presidential Election: Obama vs McCain.

photo credit: the JTA Staff


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