Astrology: Jenni Stone's Predictions and the New Moon
Jenni Stone has kindly agreed to be a guest blogger here on The Cosmic World blog. Here is her monthly newsletter full of great predictions, information on the moon cycle and her monthly calendar. You can reach Jenni through email at [email protected].
Cosmic Events & New Moon |
Leo New Moon - Thurs, Aug 20, 6.02a Eastern, 3.02a Pacific. Void on Thursday 6.02a-10a E. 3.02a - P Full Moon - Friday, September 4, 12.30p Eastern, 9.30am Pacific Mercury goes Retrograde Monday Sep 7, 12.45am Eastern, late evening, 9.45pm Sunday September 6, Pacific Mercury into Libra - Wednesday Aug 26 Venus in Leo - Thursday Aug 27 - Sept 21 Mars in Cancer - August 26 - October 17 Pluto goes Direct at 0 degrees Capricorn, September 11 - |
Calendars and New Moon wish list |
Astrology calendars with times when the Moon is void, plus predictions, power days and cosmic events are available as an email download. Write and ask for free calendars. Best time to make New Moon wish list is within eight hours of the New Moon event (see times above). send email for calendars |
Venus in Leo |
With Venus in Leo, it is time to roll out the red carpet and enjoy being a celebrity! Throw yourself a party and take pictures, because you'll be looking extra good. The energy of Venus in your sun sign is the best time for a make-over and to start an exercise and healthy eating program. Best plan the future, because that is where you will be spending most of your time... Mark Twain |
Sign-by-Sign predictions |
Aries – Your best efforts are always as an individual, and you have your own unique way of doing things, but now you are learning to work as a team. This can be frustrating for an Aries, but if you’ll change your perspective and value all the effort you’ve put into getting results then you can see how much you are needed. In the next month, Mars helps you end what is not working and start making headway towards your dreams and desires. Use the time when Mercury is Retrograde (Sept 7-29) to become better organized and streamlined at work. The beginning of October may be feeling as if money is short, and you may need to look at ways to re-organize and get a better handle on debt so that you can be more comfortable for the rest of the year. Taurus – the planets of opportunity have been giving your career a lift in the past few months and you’ve had some interesting opportunities come your way. This gets better still with the new moon energy working overtime to bring positive attitude to your communications with co-workers and friends. A writing or business project will take off at the end of August, but you may need to make some revisions during the Mercury Retrograde (Sept 7-29). Finances improve after the middle of October and there may be some money coming in the form of a payment that is long over due. Take time off during September to catch up with friends and family to prevent burn-out. Gemini – Mars in your sign (until Aug 26) has been causing you some stress and anguish. You know that if only you could just get through the present workload, your dreams and desires are waiting, but despite all the efforts, you never seem to get caught up and duty and responsibility are constantly tugging at your conscience to do more. The past month has been demanding and you are ready for a break, but with your ruling planet, Mercury, going retrograde from Sept 7-29, you are likely to find more frustration than rest during the coming month. The only answer is for you to give yourself permission to find balance by finding value in doing things you want and love to do. Stay sane and healthy by getting a buddy to coach you. Cancer – This new moon may create some conflict at work, but withdrawing is not the answer – you’ll need to find balance and stay involved even though this may not be the most comfortable way to handle the situation. Mars in your sign from Aug 26 to October 17 energizes and motivates all your current projects. Physical activity is favored and this is an especially good time to get back to a healthy eating and exercise program. With Mercury in your fourth house (starting Aug 26), there are likely to be new beginnings (and endings) that change your relationships and influence home life. Work projects may have to be revised during the Mercury Retrograde (Sept 7-29), so create as much space and clarity as you can by using the void periods to clear away clutter and get organized. These void times are especially helpful since you tend to become emotionally attached to “stuff” which has outlived usefulness. (See notes at the end to get free calendars showing void times). Leo – The energy of this new moon is a powerful influence that will help you to kick off projects that have been on hold this month. The stress that you have been feeling comes partly from the hard aspects between Mars and Saturn, which through most of August, has reminding us of duty and responsibility - and stopped you from having fun with what truly intrigues and delights you. Venus moving into your sign Aug 27 (till Sept 21) will help you to take better care of your own needs and desires. However, your social life may have to take a backseat during the Mercury Retrograde (Sept 7-29). Enjoy the spotlight during this upcoming week and take care of yourself by getting beauty and health treatments. Mercury moving into Libra (Aug 26) helps by finding ways to balance work and play. Virgo – This new moon Mercury has been in your sign for most of August and continues until Wed, Aug 26, but then it moves back into Virgo September 19 and stays there until October 15. With this double dip into your sign, you get an opportunity to become more organized and to take care of health issues that may have been bothering you. By taking care of yourself, and being more self-aware, you will find that your relationships with others become more meaningful. The Mercury Retrograde (Sept 7-29) you are likely to become more aware of financial obligations and may have to make some adjustments. Balancing the budget between incoming and outgoing cash flow is essential, but maintain equilibrium within yourself more important. Libra – Use your skills at tactful communication and diplomacy during the next few days to build bridges and create strong relationships for the coming months. Meanwhile, your intuition is telling you that there are changes on the way, and while it may not be clear what those changes will mean, you can’t shake the feeling that the scenery is about to shift and you’ll be asked to take on new responsibilities. Your finely tuned instincts are exactly correct. Saturn is shifting into your sign at the end of October and you are likely to be held accountable for what is and what is not working in your life. By using the time when Mercury in your sign (Aug 26 – Sept 19) to help you in the on-going effort to clear away clutter you can find clarity, because when you create order in the external world, you’ll better process your own internal needs and desires. Use the Mercury Retrograde (Sept 7-29) to connect with friends and business associates from the past. Scorpio – you may have been over optimistic in a business dealing, and now have to deal with the negative impact when the outcome is not as good as expected, and the new moon in Leo may shine a light on where others have given you bad advice. Friends are likely to help out during the mercury retrograde (Sept 7-29), so that you can either put the deal back together, or find an even better and more profitable solution. Your home life continues to change, and you may move or expand your present residence. Getting what you want may require some persistence, but your intuition is telling you that it will soon be within your grasp. Finances get easier mid-October. Sagittarius – For several months now, there has been a conflict between freedom and responsibility, but with this new moon in Leo you are moving closer to your dreams of visiting or living in a foreign country. However, you won’t be able to take off just yet as the Mercury retrograde (Sept 7-29) can confuse your plans and mix up communications. There may be a financial windfall when Jupiter, your ruling planet, turns direct mid-October, bringing you a blast of optimistic energy from friends and colleagues that will help you overcome limitations. Look at career goals during the Mercury Retrograde to see if your confidence can be restored. Capricorn - The Leo new moon may finish wrap up a long-standing financial issue and help you put all the pieces together and find closure. September energizes partnerships, both at work and at home, and if you have been thinking about making a commitment then the planets are lining up for you. Do all your thinking and negotiating in September, and then wait for Jupiter to go direct in the middle of October before revealing your plans – this way, you’ll have the most positive environment for success. Use the time when Mercury is Retrograde (Sept 7-29) to investigate and explore the possibilities before putting forward your proposal. Aquarius – The new Moon may bring a gift, or offer of help from an unexpected source. Although you usually like to be independent, accepting will make you stronger and will bring a circle of completion that aligns you with the stars. Mars going into your sixth house, (Aug 27), urges you to make changes in your everyday routine and helps you to see how a small variation in direction can change the outcome in a significant way. The Mercury retrograde (Sept 7-29) may bring back issues and people from the past. This time around, be willing to show the full range of your authentic self, because this is the take-away gift that Jupiter has been bringing to you this year. If you are planning to launch a new business project, best wait until the middle of October. Pisces – New moon energy invigorates partnerships and may bring you an offer of involvement in either a business or personal liaison. The focus continues through September and may bring back relationships from the past - plus Mars in your area of romance (from Aug 27) stirs up the passion whether you are single or married. Your intuition and spiritual growth is expanding your awareness and inspiring your dreams and desires. Everything in the universe is conspiring to bring whatever you need to manifest what you want in 2010. On a more practical level, use the Mercury retrograde (Sept 7-29) to extricate yourself from situations that are not fulfilling. |