Sanjay Jumani - Numerologist
Jenni Stone - New Moon on December 16, 2009, Mars Retrograde Dec 20

TerraSkin Bags Made From Rocks

My new years resolution is to become more green. So I have been on the look-out for a range of products that help me help the environment. I recently discovered something interesting - We can replace our paper and plastic shopping bags with cloth reusable bags. And now there is another resuable option - rocks.

TerraSkin is a company that manufactures bags made of ground up limestone and polyethylene. Unlike paper bags, these bags do not require bleach or water to make which makes them environmentally friendly. Terraskin bags eventually break down into a talc when exposed to the elements.

You can find terraskin bags at New York's Museum of Modern Art, personal-care company Erno Laszlo, and Burt's Bees. They look, feel, and fold like paper, but they're made of crushed stone. The treeless paper, manufactured in Taiwan and sold under the TerraSkin brand, is three parts recycled calcium carbonate—the same mineral in marble and limestone—and one part polyethylene binder. Production requires no water or bleach and only half the energy needed to make traditional paper. The material is durable; tote bags can be used over and over. It is also recyclable. And TerraSkin breaks down into a talcum-like powder if exposed to sunlight and humidity long enough.


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