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Earth - Centered Religions Have A Place of Worship At Air Force

PaganThe Washington Post has just reported that the Air Force Academy has set aside an outdoor worship area for Pagans, Wiccans, Druids and other Earth-centered believers. 

This seems to me like a big step to include all religions in the armed services. While I am not sure how many of our troops are earth-centered believers, I hope it helps to foster a stronger sense of community within the Air Force academy.

The article says in part - A double circle of stones atop a hill on the campus near Colorado Springs has been designated for the group. Lt. Col. William Ziegler, one of the academy's chaplains, said designating the space is part of the school's effort to foster religious tolerance and to defend the constitutional guarantee of religious freedom. 15 to 20 cadets have shown an interest in Earth-centered beliefs, and eight to 10 regularly attend Monday night meetings. Of those, six or seven are devout believers and the others are "searchers," This is out of 4,000 cadets. Many "earth-centered" religions recognize multiple gods and goddesses and observe holidays tied to the seasons. The goddess is symbolic of the Earth.


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