Horoscope for the Month of July 2010 and Week of June 28, 2010
The sizzly summer gets us cooking on all four burners. Not only do Sun and Mercury in randy Leo oppose retro Neptune in July, there are also enough retrograde planetary pops to make anything and anyone possible by August. Take it to the limits! Uh oh!
(President Barack Obama has Sun in Leo)
Never miss your horoscope again -- free sign up here. Here is my favorite book on astrology and a "must" for anyone interested in learning more: Secrets from a Stargazer's Notebook: Making Astrology Work for You and here's a guide to the best books available this month.
Rev up the music and make your best moves this week. Rams should just join the conga line and dance. Seek ways to expand your creativity and let your imagination call the tune. Friends pipe in with assorted suggestions but you might want to march to your own drummer rather than follow others. You never know where things could lead. Oh, or maybe you do...?
Professional opportunities seem to be ripe for picking. If you can manage to find the balance between home and career, you could have both a productive and enjoyable time. If you are like most Bulls however, you may concentrate on one area and hope the other area waits for attention. Maybe that is the best course for now... if you make the right choice.
Chatty Twins may not know when to edit their pithier and more controversial comments. And maybe it is a good idea to do so. What you say can take on a crazy life of its own. If something leaks out, make the most of it. A little notoriety can help you break through the doors of certain clubs. Or is it better to just use a club to break down the door...?
Can money buy you love? You may think so this week as your lust comes with a price tag. Spend with abandon, if you can afford it. You never know where things can lead or who will soon take you under their wings and support you. But if you find that your money doesn’t take you as far as you would like, use the month to just bone up on your finances.
Lions are in the limelight and they can certainly make the most of it. Get out there and mingle. You are a platter of charisma with a special sauce added. Will you present yourself like a blue plate special or consign yourself to the open buffet? The choice is yours. Just be sure that you don’t become tomorrow's left overs before the dinner is done.
Use your innate smarts and intuition to get one over at work. Virgins work hard - almost too hard - on the job. And they often do so with little recognition. This is the time to do what you need to do and no more than that. See how things go as you carefully parse out your time and efforts. Sometimes you need to leave them begging for more. Then toss them a nibble.
Your social agenda undergoes a revamp this week. Libras love to be in the center of the social swirl but can extend themsleves to the point of diminishing returns. You don’t want to be too tired to fully enjoy the party. So supervise and delegate the chores where possible and leave some rest time in the schedule so you can be juiced and squeezed later.
Professional opportunities continue to make themselves available to you. The challenge this week will be to figure out what deserves your greatest efforts and what will pay off the most in the future. Tough decisions will have to be made. Only then can you install yourself as the leader of the corporate pack. Be kind to all the serfs who helped you onto the throne.
There is no better time to travel. So try to find ways to expand your horizons and seek adventure. Archers are always on the lookout for th unusual and interesting. Now you can discover it in distant lands or, with some creative grit, you can extract it out of your usual neighborhood haunts. It depends on how scary you like your adventures.
If you find yourself to be especially full of pep and pomp this week, don’t ask why. Caps feel like they can take on the world. Just be sure that you maximize the sexy energy and set your sights on your next conquest. But be discerning, if you can. The conquest of today can be the anchor of tomorrow. Or maybe that is your ultimate plan...?
There is an undercurrent going on within one of your relationships that could prove to be surprising, impactful and transformative. Take particular note of what is being said. Aquarians who ignore the warning signs could find themselves alone, adrift and confused. But there is nothing you like better than liberation and freedom ... or so I am told.
This can be a time when you feel especially energetic. If so, find new outlets for your energy, especially in the health, diet and exercise realm. Not only can you make the most out of every healthy step, you are on track to a more productive look on life overall. Collect the good karma through charity, volunteerism and spirituality and store it for the winter months.
(c) 2010 THE STARRY EYE, LLC., All Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Purposes Only. Lichtenstein is the author of the best selling astrology book “HerScopes ” now in its 8th printing and available as an eBook in mid-July.