The 13th Zodiac Sign
Every so often the star gazing pundits try to come up with another way to discredit astrology. And I say "try" because despite all their efforts, astrology is still massively popular.
Remember the time they de-classified Pluto as a planet? Well now it seems that a group of astronomers have decided that the old way of dividing the cosmos into 12 astrological signs is not valid any more. They say that the dates dividing each sign are now off by about a month.
"When the astrologers say that the Sun is in Pisces, it is not really in Pisces" says astronomer Parke Kunkle, a member of the Minnesota Planetarium Society who released their findings and redefined the zodiac calendar this week. It seems that since the 12 signs were designated 3,000 years ago, the earth has wobbled slightly in its axis and there is now a one month bump and an insertion of a 13th sign called Ophiuchus for those born between November 29 and December 7. Okay.....
So since I am born in the 13th sign I have decided to canonize it and give it it's personality flavor. What do you think of this?
Ophiuchus The Snake Holder (November 29-December 17)
According to wikipedia, Ophiuchus is associated with Asclepius, a healer who became so skilled that he brought the dead back to life. The Greek god Hades became so angry that he convinced Zeus to kill Asclepius with a lightning bolt. After his death, he was placed in the stars as a constellation. Another version states that Asclepius witnessed a snake reviving a dead snake with herbs. Zeus then killed Asclepius with a thunderbolt to prevent the knowledge from spreading, but out of honor for his life works, turned him into the constellation Ophiuchus (The Snake Holder).
According to Madam Lichtenstein, Ophiuchusians are smart, resourceful, charming and really the very best of humanity. They are generous to a fault and display great leadership potential. But they are not flashy or ostentatious and are quite able to genuinely relate to people on all levels. Kind, considerate and vastly charismatic, these lucky folks born at such an auspicious time of year can only be considered the very best sign in the zodiac. Their only fault is that they don't have any which makes all the other signs very jealous. But despite petty jealousies, all the other, lesser signs can't help but love the Snake Holder - who is a true paragon of virtue and delight.