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Better Communication to Extra Terrestrials

Talking to ets There are many ways to communicate into space. And now scientists are recommending a standardized way to communicate with extra terrestrials by building an extraterrestrial messaging protocol, so any spacebound communiqué could be easily understood.

A METI protocol — messaging to extraterrestrial intelligence — would include several factors, including signal encoding, message length and message content such as using two specific wavelengths for transmission: 1.42 GHz or 4.46 GHz, which are commonly observed in nature and relatively easy to capture, in case the ETs only have “modest technical capabilities.” They also recommend establishing a dedicated transmission beacon to conduct regular broadcasts.

To ensure this, they propose a worldwide test of the new METI protocol, figuring that if people across cultures can understand it, a basic ET might, too. International users could create and exchange messages through an interactive website, following the protocol to create a crowdsourced ideal message.

Read the full article here. And check out more on the subject with Talking to Extraterrestrials: Communicating with Enlightened Beings


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