Horoscope for the Week of March 21, 2011
There is some powerful energy in the air when the Sun moves into Aries. It’s time to jump start things, enter into new, exciting territory and take charge! But let’s also know when to take a break and re-charge for the next surge.
(Hugh Hefner has Sun in Aries)
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Who is that celestial presence who outshines all us mere mortals? Okay, it’s just a Ram who is hogging the spotlight. So what else is new? There is nothing that you cannot do. Use the next week to get some new things in motion and meet scads of new people who can help you along. You are infused with spit and fire and you start spreading it around. Yuk.
There are things that go bump in the night. There are spooky ghouls that rise up and surprise you. But Bulls are fearless, feckless and fancy free, at least this week. Toss off your chains. Fight all dragons and set your course for a new invigorated you. If that path happens to take you on a cruise through the islands in search of a kindred spirit, that’s not bad either.
This week is great for gathering the masses so make all your moves a group effort. How did you get so popular? Don’t waste this powerful energy on just playing around. You have a way of capturing the social dynamic and having it dance to your own tune. Choose your marching music and get ready to implement your grand plan - happy hour, on the hour, every hour.
Professional opportunities seem to fall into your lap this week. Crabs are encouraged to make a grab for power. You feel invincible and unstoppable. Try to do it unobtrusively and covertly as is your wont rather than rely on an obviously pushy maneuver. To your own self be true and be your truest in a corner office surrounded by your closest cadre.
If you feel closed in and suffocating, welcome a liberating energy this week. Lions feel the urge to break free and explore the universe. Plan a grand getaway or, if money is tight, cruise some new neighborhoods or websites. The most important thing is to get out of your own skin and into someone ... er... something brand new. How tight a fit do you need?
Kootchi coo Virgo. You are too cute for words. This week you are bursting with confidence that makes you especially sexy and alluring. You manage to catch the eye of every desirable suitor. Gosh, what a change of pace! Dive into the scene and make a splash. Ah, if you could only bottle it and save it for the next drought. But you now find yourself chronically parched.
Do you feel the need for connection? Libras suddenly do not want to be alone and yearn to be part of a pair. Those currently in a relationship find ways of making the bonds even tighter. Those who are currently unattached manage to cast their vote for a few electable candidates. Who will win your loyalty? Explore and probe their positions.
Work and exercise are highlighted. Scorpios get into the swim this week. There is nothing that you cannot accomplish now if you set your mind to it. Do not waste precious time. Tackle all unresolved issues, handle all long standing projects and transfer the pile of “to dos” from your in box to your out box to your trash. Sounds like a pretty good plan!
How much rip roaring fun can Archers possibly have? I don’t know but you are sure to test your party hearty limits now. There will be ample opportunity to let loose and relax with a range of pleasurable pastimes. Romance may be in the air for those with a keen sense of smell. Don’t be too full of your own aroma to catch the whiff of a certain wallflower.
Rather than fight the fates on this one, use the next week or so to enjoy the confines of your home rather than trot afar. You now have the will and the way to improve your surroundings. Become a happy homemaker and entertainer extraordinaire. Caps might consider planning a family reunion to show off who they are and what they can do. What can you do...?
Aquarians are fairly boisterous this week. Shout it loud and clear, compadre. Your opinions must be unleashed and disseminated. No one will have the heart to ask you to pipe down and you may even find that there is a troop of happy campers willing to follow your every lead. As long as you have the crowd, crowd into your favorite knoodling spot.
Reap your just rewards now. Pisces are usually careful with their dough. It is nice to note that scrimping and saving pays off. Let a few pennies shake loose and enjoy your gotten gains. Yet there will always be a hint of need even with your financial flush. There is nothing so comforting as to feel that big bulge in your wallet. Hmm or is it in a pocket?
(c) 2010 THE STARRY EYE, LLC., All Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Purposes Only. Lichtenstein is the author of the best selling astrology book “HerScopes ” now in its 8th printing and available as an eBook.