Horoscope for the Week of March 14, 2011
Welcome the Astrology Sign of Aries

Improve Your Home Aura Before You Move In

Feng shui Just like there are those who believe that placing a statue of St Joseph will help to sell their house, there are also those who believe that there is a need to remove negative energy auras of the prior residents when one moves into a new place. And needless to say, there are all sorts of new age experts who can help you rid a home any negative energy. Some of these experts use feng shui and some use other methods.

When I move into a new place I first bring in a broom, sugar and salt. These rid homes of any negativity. But for those who use feng shui, there are more rituals to do before the space is cleansed. But there are actually experts who you can hire who will remove all ugly auras before you ueven step int he door with your furniture.

According to an article in the New York Times, the business of space clearers and smudgers is looking up even in these recessionary times. Space clearers and feng shui experts chant and burn incense that can seep into every crevice of an apartment. One would also meditate over an altar that includes bowls of water with candles and wildflowers and a stack of brightly colored papers on which you can write your wishes such as finding a soul mate, starting a family and having more success in a career.

Judith Wendell, feng shui expert says that her fees are driven less by apartment size than by “what’s in the space energetically.” “I want to bring a positive energy that’s not tied to anything specific and also get rid of the energy of the previous owner."

The New York real estate industry has been a job machine for thousands of brokers, lawyers, managers, architects, engineers and tradesmen. But since worries about the future or negative vibes from the past are two things New Yorkers cannot complain to management about, a very tiny industry of smudgers — or “space clearers,” the term Ms. Wendell prefers — has evolved to fill these needs. Read more in the link above.

If you prefer to do these rituals yourself, try reading Spiritual Cleansing: A Handbook of Psychic Protection


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