Horoscope for the Week of November 21, 2011
Vibe-Away to Cleanse Your Bad Vibes and Spirits



PlanetsHere is a great analysis of the upcoming Mercury retrograde from astrologer Felissa Rose. Thank you Felissa!

Just in time for Thanksgiving, Mercury goes retrograde on Weds November 23 at 11:20 pm EST at 20 degrees 6 minutes of Sagittarius and turns direct on Tues December 13 at 8:44 pm EST at 3 degrees 51 minutes of Sagittarius.


Mercury rules information, paperwork and data. Communications slow down considerably while Mercury is retrograde and it would be best to avoid signing off on deals and contracts during this period. If you absolutely must, then read the fine print very carefully. It’s easier to miss details now and find out later that you’re committed to something you might regret.


Along with Mars, Mercury rules moving parts. It’s not the best of times for buying anything mechanical: cars, computers, clocks and so on. If forced to replace something pay attention to your warranty, as you might not have to wait too long to use it.


Sagittarius is the sign of travel and its likely there could be delays due to mechanical or weather problems. Make your plans or buy your tickets beforehand and try to leave afterwards. Getting back and forth to Grandma’s house for Thanksgiving could be complicated. So give yourself extra time and lots of leeway.


In the body Sagittarius rules the sciatic nerve, and the hips. Emphasis on these parts of the body come to the fore, so slow down and take your time exercising and clearing snow.


Mercury rules the lungs, and Sagittarius governs exhalation and its opposite sign Gemini rules inhalation. Retrograde energy is internalized and those susceptible to asthma and other breathing problems should be particularly careful and avoid smoky fires and damp and moldy conditions.


Mercury will next be retrograde from March 12 to April 4, 2012 and July 14 to August 4, 2012.


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