Lucky Numbers for the Week of May 25, 2012
Obama vs Romney Using Astrology - A First Look

Horoscope for Month of June 2012 and Week of May 28, 2012

Oprah winfreyAll is right with the world as lucky Jupiter enters Gemini and luck pops out from the most unexpected places. Gather it up and keep your options (and your eyes) open for opportunity.

(Oprah Winfrey has Jupiter in Gemini)

Never miss your horoscope again -- free sign up here. Here is my favorite book on astrology and a "must" for anyone interested in learning more: Secrets from a Stargazer's Notebook: Making Astrology Work for You and here's a guide to the best books available this month. This column is (c) 2011 THE STARRY EYE, LLC., All Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Purposes Only. Madam Lichtenstein is the author of the best selling astrology book “HerScopes ” now in its 8th printing and available as an eBook.

Not only are you especially clearheaded now, you are also able to figure out just what to say to get exactly what you want. You can be incredibly diplomatic. But Aries often want more out of life than just sweetening the air with their sugary bon mots. Resolve to tackle a long overdue project and enlist a bevy of helpers. All you have to do is ask.....

TAURUS   (APRIL 21 - MAY 21)
Money comes to you easily now. And not just because you have been working at carefully wrangling your loot. Even if you have been lax in your budget making, there is some transom money that seems to just fall into your lap. Don’t waste this largess on junk, Taurus. Funnel it into a safe and secure nest egg. Then you can enjoy fluffy omelettes in your retirement years.

GEMINI   (MAY 22 - JUNE 21)
Your are the one to know and the one to get to know. Geminis have a flash of charisma that outshines all competition. Plan on maneuvering into the center stage and wow the crowd with your talent and sheer nerve. Get going while your personal flame is hot, hot, hot. And if a few attractive moths venture too close and singe their wings, that is their own fault.

CANCER   (JUNE 22 - JULY 23)
How many secret admirers do you have Cancer? There may be too many to count and you may be totally unaware of some of them. There are a lot of good vibes emanating behind the scenes that will guide you to lucky experiences and life changing connections. So keep your confidence high and allow yourself a time of flirtations and furtive romances.

LEO   (JULY 24 - AUGUST 23)
Find any excuse to get together with friends. Seek interesting people and get involved in new social groups. Leos are naturally friendly and looove to be in the epicenter of a crowd. This time the crowd may need some of your TLC so know when to seek attention and when you give a warm hug to others. It may be hard for you to share the spotlight but I know you can do it!

How much can you get away with now? Quite a lot, it seems. While hard working, Virgos will be happily surprised to find that even minimal effort will pay off. So prioritize and don’t sweat the small stuff now. Of course still you have to schmooze the big bosses a bit and make it appear like you are making an effort. But isn’t that is part of the fun?

Libras may be in a rut but it is one that you can easily climb out of. Take a chance and do something totally new or unexpected. It may pay off in ways that you do not anticipate. It is a particularly good time to travel if you have the bucks and the time. If not, see what is happening right around the corner. You may be surprised at what (and who) you find.

Sizzly Scorpios can turn on the charm and make some lucky and powerful connections this week. And these connections will run deep. Some may get downright intimate and life-changing. See who is on the menu and get cooking. Your personal zest adds the spice to any dish. Tuck in and gorge yourself. Err how many desserts do you really need?

Relationships take center stage. If you are currently cultivating a one-on-one, you can discover some wonderful things about your partner, If you are on the prowl for the perfect person, this is the time to scout about. Sagittarians could be lured into multiple love affairs as so many possibilities cross your path. Is sampling is the best way to decide...?

This week turns up the heat on health issues. So as you make your entrance, be sure that you feel as good as you look. Check yourself in the mirror and assess who you see. You might want to make some adjustments in your personal regime - from diet to exercise to any form of stress reduction. Yoga? Meditation? Yawn. Let’s get really creative, Capricorn!

Fun is highlighted all through the week. Aquarians will not only be able to plan, launch and toss a great party, they will also attract some of the most unusual and artistic folks around to liven things up. Anything you do will be A-list level. So don’t sit on your couch and wait for the bell to ring. Get out there and schmooze, booze and carooze.... or something like that.

Puttering around the house will not only be relaxing, it will also spark a range of great new re-decorating ideas. Focus on your domestic agenda from the dust under the rug to the back reaches of your storage closet. Clean it out, sell it at a garage sale and start fresh. And while you are at it, you can be a little fresh yourself, Pisces. There is no telling where that might lead you.


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