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Halloween 2012 - A Happy Halloween to You!

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays and we have many many past posts on the subject. For easy reference, here are some of the more recent ones - there are actually pages of posts if you google Halloween within our blog. Past posts range from costumes for people and pets to ghost tours to the history of, to treat and tricks to diets. Enjoy!

And of course - no Halloween would be complete without political masks. Check out the Romney and Obama Halloween masks available on Amazon.

  • Madam Lichtenstein's Cosmic World: Mythology, Archetypes, Fables

    USA Today says that there are some excellent books available, just in time for Halloween that can give an otherworldly being some good advice. ...
  • Petopia: New Age

    The orange collar is decorated with pumpkins all around which makes it great for fall fashion and Halloween costumes. The feathers and black rhinestones ...
  • Madam Lichtenstein's Cosmic World: Sanjay Jumani - Numerologist

    Dec 15, 2009 ... I am about to make a big prediction - this time of year (in addition to Halloween) many papers will run articles on soothsayers, astrologers ...
  • Madam Lichtenstein's Cosmic World: All Astrological Posts Relating ...

    Oct 3, 2008 ... Related posts include: Handwriting and the Election: What Graphology Says About the Candidates, Halloween Mask Scare: Obama and McCain Masks ...
  • Petopia: Pumpkin Carving: Dog-o-Lanterns

    Oct 29, 2009 ... You always see lots of jack-o-lanterns for Halloween but how about taking the opportunity to show off your favorite dog breed by carving a ...
  • Losing My Sugar Addiction - Diary of a Loser

    Aug 10, 2009 ... I would say no as I checked through the kid's trick or treat bags at Halloween. When I passed by trays full of cookies at work, ...
  • Petopia: Books

    Mar 6, 2010 ... This could be a fascinating topic at any time, but it seems especially appropriate reading for Halloween. Curl up with your kitty, ...
  • Looking for a Unique Halloween Costume? Consider a Lucha Libre ...

    Halloween has a hallowed history. It is the time of year when the boundaries of the spirits past and the living blended. Souls return to earth, ...

    Horoscope for the Month of November 2012 and Week of October 29, 2012

    Charlenelichtenstein[1]Cast your ballots for an exciting November as a jumble of planets march through Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn. Will your words move the masses or trip you up? Are your dreams destined to become reality or just a mirage? Anything is possible so prepare for your victories.

    (Madam Lichtenstein has Venus in Scorpio)

    Never miss your horoscope again -- free sign up here. Here is my favorite book on astrology and a "must" for anyone interested in learning more: Secrets from a Stargazer's Notebook: Making Astrology Work for You and here's a guide to the best books available this month. This column is (c) 2012 THE STARRY EYE, LLC., All Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Purposes Only. Madam Lichtenstein is the author of the best selling astrology book “HerScopes ” now in its 8th printing and available as an eBook.

    ARIES   (MARCH 21 - APRIL 20)
    Aries are elected to change the world this November. So get your stump speech ready, resolve to change some hearts and minds and go forth. Try to gain a little personal insight along the way as you set off to scratch a travel itch and explore exotic,  interesting locales. The light of self knowledge can illuminate even the darkest corners. Well sometimes....

    TAURUS   (APRIL 21 - MAY 21)
    Taureans find themselves yearning for the perfect relationship. So take a hard look at where you are and improve or reassess your current situation. If you haven’t quite found nirvana yet, maybe the problem is with you. How do you approach relationships? Do you need more excitement in a humdrum domestic situation? Juice things up, you squeezable thing.

    GEMINI   (MAY 22 - JUNE 21)
    Go with the job flow, Gemini; this is no time to slack off and hope others will fill in the gap. Exercise is also part of the picture now. Get that bod in shape for the holidays. Your efforts can bring about excellent results. As your self image improves, start to concentrate more on partnerships. Try a little mood music and the old red light bulb. OK, make it neon red.

    CANCER   (JUNE 22 - JULY 23)
    November begins with a bang and a good time but as the weeks progress you must turn your attention to the job. But be creative and make the most of this early oomph. Simple creative pastimes have potential monumental impact. Who knows; The simple doodle you scribble today could lead to a great masterpiece. Or at least something worthy of hanging over the couch. 

    LEO   (JULY 24 - AUGUST 23)
    Leos must deal with family issues now. So what if the chickens come home to roost? Haul out the frying pan and serve fried chicken! Don’t avoid discussions with certain relative. Why should you? Ultimately, you need to do what you have to do  - with or without them. It may just be that as you celebrate your successes, they might bring the champagne.

    The lines of communication are humming. Virgos should shout it from the tops of the mountains and watch the big reaction. Your words have impact and you also have the innate diplomacy to pull off any project you set your sights to tackle. Later this month, you’ll be content to schlep around the house in your all togethers. So start to get it all together.

    All that glitters is not gold, or so you realize now. It is time to review your value system to see if it is sync with where you are going in life. Yes, money is important, but money alone cannot buy you true happiness (cheap thrills perhaps, but not true happiness...). It is a sad Libra who only has cold cash to cling to in the lonely winter nights. Heat it up with someone special.

    There is tremendous energy swirling around you. You are catapulted into center stage and are the unavoidable the life of the party. Begin new projects immediately and get out there and meet new, amazing folks. Scorpios also need a complete makeover. Yes - It is possible to improve on perfection. Hint- throw out those qiana shirts.

    If your intuition is working overtime, go with your inner voice and see how far it takes you. You may be happily surprised at where it all leads. Sagittarians are much more effective than usual in any charitable enterprise so be sure to give your all for any worthy charitable cause. Become a well endowed benefactor and see who tries to tap into your bank.

    Capricorns are ones to know. Surround yourself with compadres and you’ll be guaranteed to have a full dance card for the holidays. Schmooze and socialize while you have the urge. Too too soon you will be awash in all sorts of spiritual heady stuff. You’ll be on a mission and you can be hell on wheels when it comes to personal goals. Or you should be!

    Aquarians are ready to polish the nameplates on their offices and why not? You’ve worked hard to get where you are and now you should be able to enjoy the benefits. Before you know it, friends are in on the action and want to celebrate with you. Call the tune and watch the group dynamic dance along. What’s on your top ten playlist? Uh klezmer??

    Pisces undergo a change of philosophy which can cause you to reassess the underpinnings of your life. Scan the playing field and be very observant of the details. Later you’ll put all this mental energy to good use in your career. Don’t be shy. Get in your tank and plow through the professional battlelines. Plant your flag in the ground ... not in your foot.

    Lucky Numbers for the Week of October 26, 2012

    Lottery ads tell us you only need a dollar and a dream. But it is also helpful to have a list of lucky numbers to help spur the good fortune ... or fortunes. So with that in mind, here are some lucky numbers that can be used in any helpful way. I gazed into a pool of water, Nostradamus-like, and contemplated the cosmos. Then I mixed the tarot cards and allowed the spirits to guide me to the cards that represent the lucky numbers for this week. Nothing is guaranteed but who knows ....?

    I choose eight numbers because 8 is the number of wealth.

    Here are the lucky numbers for the week of October 26-November 1, 2012:

    3, 17, 18, 24, 29, 31, 40, 56


    There are many ways to delve into your own consciousness to find luck and intuition. Try reading Dream Power/Improve Your Luck (Super Strength Series) and see if your dreams give you any clues and premonitions. Here's a guide to the best books available this month

    Pearson Archetypes - Just Another Zodiac

    Pearson archetypes Pearson archetypesYou know that astrology forms the basis of marketing and business when you see something like the Pearson Archetypal System which is used by marketers to help in branding. But a quick look at this "break through" system will begin to reveal something quite ancient and established -- the twelve archetypes in this system correspnd nicely to the 12 Astrological signs.

    Their website tells of how Swiss psychologist Carl S. Jung's work on archetypes led Dr. Carol S. Pearson to conclude that these narratives formed the structure of the human psyche. Jung coined the term “archetype” to define the underlying psychological patterns that recur in these stories and are frequently found in the symbols, images, and themes of art, mythology, sacred texts, and popular entertainment.

    Building on Jung’s work, Dr. Pearson has created a system for working with these archetypes that enables us to understand individual and group development and motivation. Her 12-archetype system includes the archetypes or storylines that her research found to be most correlated with success and fulfillment in contemporary society.

    Of course Jung was a devotee of astrology and tarot. But they don't say that....

    The 12 Pearson Archetypes, and the individual and organization best represented by these archetypes are as follows:

    Archetype Individual Organization
    Innocent Dolly Parton Disney
    Everyperson Jimmy Carter Gap
    Hero Lone Ranger Nike
    Caregiver Mother Teresa Campbell’s Soup
    Explorer Amelia Earhart Starbucks
    Lover Rudolph Valentino Victoria's Secret
    Revolutionary Che Guevara Apple
    Creator Martha Stewart Crayola
    Magician Martin Luther King Calgon
    Ruler Alan Greenspan Microsoft
    Sage Carl Jung Discovery
    Jester Tina Fey Ben & Jerry’s

    So here is how I matched them to the zodiac signs:

    Innocent -- Pisces

    EveryPerson -- Taurus

    Hero --- Aries

    Caregiver --- Virgo

    Explorer -- Sagittarius

    Lover -- Scorpio

    Revolutionary --- Aquarius

    Creator --- Cancer

    Magician -- Libra

    Ruler --- Leo

    Sage -- Capricorn

    Jester -- Gemini

    If you have a hankering to learn more about these marketing prototypes, read Awakening the Heroes Within: Twelve Archetypes to Help Us Find Ourselves and Transform Our World .

    What do you think?

    Astrologer Felissa Rose on the November 2012 Mercury Retrograde

    Mercury retrograde2Astrologer Felissa Rose provides an excellent analysis on the MERCURY RETROGRADE of NOVEMBER 2012

    For the final time in 2012 Mercury will go retrograde Tuesday, November 6 at 6:05 pm EDT at 4 degrees 14 minutes of Sagittarius. Mercury turns direct on Monday, November 26 at 5:49 pm EDT at 18 degrees 15 minutes of Scorpio.

    The mythological messenger of the gods, Mercury rules most types of communications from letters to telephone calls. Along with the technological planet Uranus, it also governs e-mails, texts and social media. It also determines the way we speak, think, and process information. Wires and circuits, both in technology as well as in the body, are ruled by Mercury. Weaknesses in these areas occur more often during Mercury retrograde periods. Computers, phones, machinery, tools and instruments containing circuits, moving parts and/or wires can stop working properly or break down more frequently. Unless something needs to be replaced immediately, put off purchases of anything technological or mechanical until Mercury is no longer retrograde. If you must have an immediate replacement make sure to get an extended warranty.

    Mercury rules contracts. If possible avoid signing anything, especially if it’s a long term commitment like a lease, mortgage or loan. Don’t take anything for granted as there’s likely to be something that was overlooked buried in the fine print. Negotiations can continue but try and finalize them after the retrograde.

    This planet rules our thought processes and it will take more effort getting our message across. People born with Mercury retrograde tend to be more introspective, analytical and feel more comfortable listening than speaking. It’s a great time to polish the art of listening. Individuals born with Mercury retrograde tend to rehash things over and over. During Mercury retrograde periods there’s more difficulty making decisions for us all. If you have time look at the problem from all angles and take action after the retrograde.

    Starting off in Sagittarius the sign of travel, try and finalize your travel plans before the retrograde. Mercury rules connections and if you don’t mind delays, travel for pleasure is ok. Sagittarius has a philosophical bent and turning towards an internal meaning of life and experience would resonate now. Scorpio likes to get under the surface and explore and Mercury retrograding from philosophical Sagittarius to truth seeker Scorpio, can be highly rewarding for those on an inner journey.

    In the body, Mercury governs the nervous system including circuits and connections. With the slowdowns and delays accompanying Mercury retrograde, it’s easy to get frustrated and be on
    edge. If possible try and do things at a slower pace; no matter how much it seems to need to get done, it eventually does. Mercury also rules the five senses so avoid having your eyes or ears examined and it would be a good idea to put off non-essential medical tests as well.

    It’s interesting that Mercury goes retrograde on Election Day, as all the attention focused on this important election comes to a head. As mentioned Mercury rules circuits and it’s likely that voting machines can “break down or act strangely.” Neptune, planet of fogs and mists, is also stationary now going direct on November 11, increasing the likelihood that people won’t be entirely clear as to whom they are voting for. This will also add to the confusion of who actually won, not necessarily limited to the presidency but other down ballot races as well.

    In 2013 Mercury will be retrograde February 23 to March 17, June 26 to July 20 and October 21 to November 10.

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