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Scent Sculptures and Christophe Laudamiel

Christophe LaudamielThe power of aroma, such as in aromatherapy extends into perfumes. But also art?

According to coolnews.com, Christophe Laudamiel is well-known for his work designing high-end fragrances for Ralph Lauren, Estee Lauder and Tom Ford and has also include designing scents inspired by a 1985 Patrick Suskind novel-turned-movie (trailer) "which included the stench of gutters in 18th century Paris."

Christophe was also involved in a "scent opera ... pairing an original musical score with a sequence of more than 20 scents delivered through an odor-releasing device." His latest venture "tests the commercial possibilities of scent art" via "seven scent sculptures on display" at Dillon Gallery in New York City. Among them is a scent called "Fear," in which "sniffers will encounter the sweet, musty, cold smell of a damp cave." Christophe achieved this through "metallic notes found in geranium and musty elements found in rhubarb and roots."

On the lighter side is "The Banana and the Monkey," which pairs the smell of "sweet, ripe banana ... with a hairy, sweaty, feral monkey odor." Christophe used amyl acetate for the banana and civet, "which smells vaguely fecal," among other elements. The sculptures are experienced in tents set up around the gallery, which isolate and concentrate the aromas. The commercial potential remains questionable, in part because of the challenges of displaying or advertising aromas (scratch 'n' sniff?). And then there's the price: Chrisophe's scent sculptures "range from $15,000 to "$20,000 depending on the complexity of the formula."



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