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Horoscope for February 2015 and the Week of February 2, 2015

Nicole kidmanHold onto your hearts and see what cosmic valentines February delivers to you. Maybe it is the trine of retrograde Jupiter in dramatic Leo with Uranus in feisty Aries which fuel reckless actions into unexpected advancements. We can only hope!

(Nicole Kidman has Jupiter in Leo)

 Never miss your horoscope again -- free sign up here. Here is my favorite book on astrology and a "must" for anyone interested in learning more: Secrets from a Stargazer's Notebook: Making Astrology Work for You and here's a guide to the best books available this month. This column is (c) 2014 THE STARRY EYE, LLC., All Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Purposes Only. Madam Lichtenstein is the author of the best selling astrology book “HerScopes ” now in its 8th printing and available as an eBook.

Scratch an artistic itch and see where it can lead. There are ideas that yearn to be released and realized. There are masterpieces to be made manifest. You are urged to take a grand, creative risk and boom! Suddenly everything is wrapped up in elation, romance and general bliss. Surprised, Aries? Me too. Go with the flow and enjoy every juicy minute.

TAURUS   (APRIL 21 - MAY 21)
Taureans will discover a surprising mystery around the house now. Maybe you will uncover some long lost Christmas gifts hidden in the back of an attic closet. Or maybe a treasure trove of loose coins in an old couch cushion. Or maybe some lost love letters from an old flame. Play hide and seek and see what (or who) you can find. Whoo hoo.

GEMINI   (MAY 22 - JUNE 21)
Spend more time chit chatting with pals this week. Not only will you discover some fascinating, interesting, surprising and exciting things about them, you may take the relationship to a new level of trust. Geminis are usually very sociable and now you are the bestest with the mostest of  friends. How great is that? Maybe you should run for political office...?

CANCER   (JUNE 22 - JULY 23)
Cash in your professional chips now and see how you can use your financial acumen to improve your chances for success. Whether that means careful investing or a strategic career move all depends on what research you have done and what you really want in your life. The next steps are up to you, Cancer. Power? Prestige? Quiet wealth? Yes to all three!

LEO   (JULY 24 - AUGUST 23)
Leos love to be the center of attention and the next few weeks will bring you much more than you bargained for. Any small idea can become a grand one and any chance meeting can have long term impact. Become the superstar you deserve to be. Any project you tackle takes you over the goal line. Just don’t get sidelined and run to the wrong goal post!.

There are many things to accomplish now and there may even be things you need to do that are not on your “to do” list right now. Expect surprises and detours that can take you far afield. This is not a bad thing, Virgo. In fact it could lead you to an entirely new life direction full of adventure, intrigue and a bit of merry mystery.  Get ready. Or not. But it is coming.

Friends can mess up a perfectly good relationship. It may be a perfectly wonderful. Or maybe it is not as good as you would like. Libras strive for diplomacy. Have you been giving in too much? If so, use this time to reassess, repair or run! You have the support system in place. Now you just need to figure out what (and who) you really want.

Something seemingly small at work can become a major career opportunity for any ambitious Scorpio who keeps an eye on the prize. Volunteer for even the most onerous task. It has the potential to change your luck among the big wigs. But don’t  let your head become too big from all of this corporate adoration. Your head has to fit into one of those wigs eventually.

Life is all fun and games now if you want it. So don’t spend your time at home waiting for something to happen. It will only happen when you venture into the world and explore.Travel far afield or, if time and money are tight, just get out of your comfort zone with a new local hot spot. Adventure awaits so don’t keep it waiting too long, Sagittarius.

Make your home a romantic hideaway and see who you can hide away with this week. Capricorns can muster up their romantic tendencies and wow a certain someone off their feet. You may need to make some changes around the house whether a slight spruce up or a total redo as an enticing proposal. Do something fresh. Very fresh!

Something that you say that is off the cuff could have great ramifications, Aquarius. So measure your words carefully unless you want to upend certain relationships. You may have some strong opinions but the big decision to make this week is whether to express them publicly. My suggestion is to keep a tight lip ... in a smile and not a smirk.

Pisces begin to examine the value of their work and if it brings  both the tangible and intangible results that they need to feel fulfilled. Too much effort for too little reward is karmically depleting. But a good reappraisal of your situation will bring relief and ultimately comfort. Fill your week with good efforts designed to nurture, replenish, remunerate and succeed.

Lucky Numbers for the Week of January 30, 2015

Lottery ads tell us you only need a dollar and a dream. But it is also helpful to have a list of lucky numbers to help spur the good fortune ... or fortunes. So with that in mind, here are some lucky numbers that can be used in any helpful way. I gazed into a pool of water, Nostradamus-like, and contemplated the cosmos. Then I mixed the tarot cards and allowed the spirits to guide me to the cards that represent the lucky numbers for this week. Nothing is guaranteed but who knows ....?

I choose eight numbers because 8 is the number of wealth.

Here are the lucky numbers for the week of January 30-February 5, 2015:

1, 14, 27, 35, 37, 44, 59, 60

There are many ways to delve into your own consciousness to find luck and intuition. Try reading Dream Power/Improve Your Luck (Super Strength Series) and see if your dreams give you any clues and premonitions. Here's a guide to the best books available this month

LoveScope for the Week of January 28, 2015

LovescopesWhat gets our hearts thumping and pumping this week? Everything! We tend to be overly sensitive and romantic. Will you rein it in or will it tie you up?

Send a romantic lovenote to someone who is totally unsuspecting this week and see how you can create a happy mystery. Aries are not usually secretive but this can become a fun game of wits. And who knows what other game can transpire?

TAURUS   (APRIL 21 - MAY 21)
Friends are planning something special for you this week so be prepared to be happily surprised. There is one particular pal who may lead you to a new relationship or help you revitalize an old one. See what happens when you let someone else drive.

GEMINI   (MAY 22 - JUNE 21)
You wow them at work now. And maybe so much that you catch the eye of someone in power. This can prove to be beneficial both personally and professionally, depending on who it is and what they want to do. What do you want to do, Gemini?

CANCER   (JUNE 22 - JULY 23)
If you find that your mind is wandering into daydreams and faraway adventures, maybe it is a big hint. Cancers prefer to stay close to home but now consider wandering further afield. Love is out there somewhere. You just have to discover it.

LEO   (JULY 24 - AUGUST 23)
Leos feel grrreat this week and why not? You are feisty, sexy and full of confidence. So set your sights on a certain person and go after them while your fire is hot. Avoid any thunderstorms that can extinguish your passionate flame.

Relationships hit a high note this week as you see the value in one to one interactions. Virgos in a partnership can spark new passion. Virgos seeking connection can spark up their social circuit. Check off another new years resolution!

Get into ship shape by mapping out a new exercise plan, Libra. You never know who will be burning calories next to you at the gym or how great you will look in a few weeks of practice. Practice, practice, practice and see how healthy you become!

Your cup runneth over with plenty of drama this week, Scorpio. And the more you create, the more you receive. Maybe this is part of your romantic strategy but if not, check yourself in the mirror and readjust. Be sweet, not sour.

Plan some intimate evenings to turn up the passion, Sagittarius. You can seduce anyone you want with you magnetic personality and charm. But add a bit of sophistication and luxury to your special evening. No, raw hoof burgers will not do it.

Take a class and learn a thing or two, Capricorn. You will find yourself in a place where you can meet new and interesting people who can change the direction of you life... or at least fill a few happy evenings. Expand your vision and see someone new.

If you are stuck in old thought patterns, it is time to look at your value system and see if it still works for you. A reassessment  helps you form stronger love relationships and get the most joy out of being with your partner. And vice versa, Aquarius....

You are a love magnet Pisces. It seems that everyone you meet this week takes a liking to you. So don’t sit at home and binge view. Get out and about and expand your social circle with influential folks. Then you become the one to know.

Never miss your horoscope again -- free sign up here. Here is my favorite book on astrology and a "must" for anyone interested in learning more: Secrets from a Stargazer's Notebook: Making Astrology Work for You and here's a guide to the best books available this month. This column is (c) 2014 THE STARRY EYE, LLC., All Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Purposes Only. Madam Lichtenstein is the author of the best selling astrology book “HerScopes ” now in its 8th printing and available as an eBook.


Centre For Psychological Astrology 2015 Spring Seminars

Planets and signsIf you find yourself in London and can attend one of these fascinating seminars, you will not be disappointed. Please visit their website at www.cpalondon.com for full details and booking. One is a webinar but I would check time zones to be sure it is convenient for you to attend.

Richard Swatton
The Astrology of Illumination - An astrological exploration of the development of consciousness from both psychological and spiritual perspectives.
Sunday 1st February 2015

There are various levels of awareness concerning the nature of consciousness. A genuine awakening to these levels, however, not only changes one's perspective, but one's entire mode of being.  For Jung this meant a realization of the Christ- force within each of us he called the Self. For Gopi Krishna it meant undergoing evolutionary force of Kundalini. For Eckhart Tolle, it meant a realization of non- dual reality. For Krishnamurti a total awareness about the entrapment of one's cultural conditioning. However, even though it is usually a "radical transformation of consciousness"  that the spiritual seeker is ultimately looking for, unless also accompanied by mature psychological developments as well, they may simply become dangerous to the psyche. And instead of illumination ones ends up imbalanced and ill. Exploring the birth charts of various spiritual teachers of the 20th century, their moments of enlightenment and some of their main teachings, we hope to find clues as to the deep potential for consciousness development inherent in particular astrological placements, transits and progressions.

Richard's astrological education began in 1976, learning traditional, horary, and occult- theosophical approaches within the Western Mystery Tradition.  He then went on to study Noel Tyl’s humanistic astrology for several years after which he began his in- depth psychological astrology training at the CPA gaining the Dip Psych Astrol. in 1994. After teaching astrology independently and in groups for over 20 years, he is now on the staff at the London School of Astrology.  Richard is an accomplished jazz pianist and composer, but changed careers to become an integrative psychotherapist in 1994. His personal developmental work includes a 12 year Jungian analysis, lucid dreaming, meditation, mindfulness and retreats. He holds the Dip. Psych Couns and an MA in Psychotherapy. His main teaching in astrology stresses the importance of establishing a dynamic and powerful relationship with the symbols the astrologer employs.
Price: £55
Venue: Meeting Room, International Hall, Lansdowne Terrace, WC1N 1AS


Lynn Bell
Losing your Head : When Transits Turn Things Upside Down
Sunday 15th February 2015
There are moments in life when nothing seems to makes sense, the old explanations, don’t work. Our thoughts go round in endless circles. Saturn in Sagittarius tests our belief in the future, in any future. Is there still something to believe in? At the Same time Uranus in Aries pushes us to cut through, take risks, start over. Visionary fire reaches beyond reason. We will look at the transits of Saturn as it moves through this fiery sign in the company of Jupiter and Uranus in fire,as well as the capacity of the upcoming Saturn Neptune square to unsettle the rational foundations of our world. 
Price: £55
Venue: Meeting Room, International Hall, Lansdowne Terrace, WC1N 1AS


John Green
Making Saturn Your Friend (Webinar)
Sunday 1st March 2015
Saturn often has a rough time in astrology, he is the great time keeper, Kronos the child devourer, the senex, the greater malefic, the dweller on the threshold and the grim reaper. In my client work I often hear stories of dread regarding people’s Saturn placement; their fights with authority, their inability to keep things stable and secure and their fear around areas of life they believe themselves to be useless in. In this age where so many want eternal youth, the fear of death and old age that Saturn brings also weighs heavily upon us.

But Saturn is not just the figure of dread he is often painted, he can protect and guide, help us reach mastery and ultimately help us on the road to knowing who we truly are. In today’s webinar we will look at how to make Saturn your friend, wherever his placement or aspects lie in your chart. Join me and explore how to find the greatness of Saturn in your life.
Price £35 - payable by Paypal only
Online webinar


Frank Clifford
New Ways of Relating: Understanding the In- depth Dynamics of Sign Combinations  
Sunday 15th March 2015
Grasping the essence of the signs and their points of similarity and difference are the keys to successful natal, forecasting and synastry work. Some connections are easy to spot, such as the freedom- focused, future- orientated duo of Sagittarius and Aquarius, or the home, hearth, gardens and cuisine combo of Cancer and Taurus. But what of Leo and Capricorn? Cancer and Libra? Aries and Virgo?

In truth, every pairing has themes in common, as well as components that don’t easily fall into place, but pinpointing the ‘heart’ of its connection – the essence of its relationship – often requires further detective work. We all have to live alongside difficult people and cope with parts of our chart that are in conflict, but the key is to working out how such contradictory combinations can not only survive, but also thrive. With many chart examples, we’ll spend the day learning to suss out and articulate the dynamics between the signs – how they can really work with each other – so bring along your own charts and stories, too.

Frank Clifford has been an astrologer for over twenty years. He is the author of a dozen books on astrology and palmistry, and the publisher (Flare) of a further dozen titles. Frank’s latest books are Getting to the Heart of Your Chart: Playing Astrological Detective and Solar Arc Directions. He lectures internationally and has a column in The Mountain Astrologer. He was Guest Editor for TMA’s June–July 2013 issue.
Price: £55
Venue: Meeting Room, International Hall, Lansdowne Terrace, WC1N 1AS

You can see all details on their website at www.cpalondon.com

They also have extended their list of eBooks - see them here: http://www.cpalondon.com/ebooks.html

Facebook for the latest updates: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Centre-for-Psychological-Astrology/432360690170087


Horoscope for the Week of January 26, 2015

Oprah winfreyThe cosmos gives us a rowdy howdy do this week as the Sun enters Aquarius. Prepare to tackle your most passionate causes, gather your great accomplishments and create general mayhem. Are you ready for all this excitement? Let’s just see....

(Oprah Winfrey has Sun in Aquarius)

 Never miss your horoscope again -- free sign up here. Here is my favorite book on astrology and a "must" for anyone interested in learning more: Secrets from a Stargazer's Notebook: Making Astrology Work for You and here's a guide to the best books available this month. This column is (c) 2014 THE STARRY EYE, LLC., All Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Purposes Only. Madam Lichtenstein is the author of the best selling astrology book “HerScopes ” now in its 8th printing and available as an eBook.

You are tempted to hang around with hangers on and the same old folks. But use the week to strategically expand your social circle and join new groups that put you on the “A” list. Aries can be very friendly but need to know when to get out of their comfort zones and explore new pastures. Now the grass is distinctly greener over yonder. Start grazing.

TAURUS   (APRIL 21 - MAY 21)
Do you know what others think of you? Maybe yes and maybe no. Find out this week and use it to your advantage. You have a rare opportunity to gain access to the powerbrokers and impress them with  your wit, smarts and moxie. Taureans sometimes prefer to fade in the background so they can observe without risk. But you have nothing to lose now by strutting your stuff.

GEMINI   (MAY 22 - JUNE 21)
You have the law on your side this week. Seek higher knowledge, get into the mindset and look at issues in a global all-encompassing manner. Issues are there for the changing and you are the one to do it. Geminis with a legal bone to pick can make their best argument, rest their case and get the decision they want. But it’s all in how you dip into the jury pool.

CANCER   (JUNE 22 - JULY 23)
You are more cognizant of the need to connect with others on a deeply meaningful level now. This can mean sexually, psychologically or even monetarily. Cancers are sometimes afraid to express their true feelings for fear of rejection but now you can take the plunge without fear of falling or failing. Who knows? You may even soar to new heights.

LEO   (JULY 24 - AUGUST 23)
Business relationships can be taken to new levels. Make the most of every interaction and see what you can get out of it, Leo. In fact all types of one-to-one relationships can improve now. Contact those who you haven’t heard from in a while. The secret of your success will lie in your ability to sway others through your innate charm and charisma. Uh oh.

The past months have been one big stressfest. There are many ways to lower your blood pressure now, Virgo. One way is cuddling a pet. But don’t stop at that. Seek connection with folks as well as furries. Of course a good work out at the gym or health club can also help to reduce stress and improve your general outlook but it is considerably more effort. Just relax!

Is there more to life than just hanging around and having fun? Probably but you wouldn’t know it judging from the behavior of certain Libras. Your creativity and sense of romance is sparked. Stoke it to a raging fire. Kick back and enjoy the next few weeks of heated fun. Too too soon it will be back to the usual wintry social freeze. Brrr.

Tend to a few home related projects this week. Scorpios find that no matter how hard they try to shirk their domestic responsibilities, they can run but they cannot hide. But that is okay. In fact you may find that chores can become energizing and, dare I suggest, enjoyable? Well if not at least you will have a sense of accomplishment. Oh yippee.

Be charming. Be glib. Be anything you want as long as you express your opinion openly and honestly. This is the time to plant your ideas, spread the mulch and watch them grow. Now Sagittarians not only make their point, they stick it anywhere they darn please with happy impact. And that is quite a change of pace from your usual out of control missives.

If your goals have seemed out of reach, this week makes it all very reachable. Keep alert Capricorn, grab a bundle of possibilities and put it to work for your eventual retirement. Seek out a good advisor, do a bit of your own homework and take some calculated risks. When in doubt seek a well endowed benefactor to cushion and coddle your assets.

You are pushed into new social pools this week. Aquarians usually crave control and now it is yours for the taking. That might even be a good thing. Will you put on a good act or over dramatize your time on stage? But don’t squander your opportunities on self aggrandizing burlesque. Meet and greet among the elite and see what you can squeeze out of them.

Your intuition goes on high alert this week. What will you divine, Pisces? It may be that your sense of purpose will be achieved through charitable endeavors. If so seek groups or organizations that really show their appreciation for your efforts on their behalf. Don’t toss your pearls before swine, unless the swine antes up for drinks and dinner.

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