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Horoscope for the Month of February 2016 and Week of February 1, 2016

Jennifer anistonThere are many ways to capture hearts as we welcome February this week. But none are as successful as letting your passions flow with feisty Mars in intense Scorpio. What gets you excited? Chances are it will get others excited too. Bring on the rampage!

(Jennifer Anniston has Mars in Scorpio)

Never miss your horoscope again -- free sign up here. Here is my favorite book on astrology and a "must" for anyone interested in learning more: Secrets from a Stargazer's Notebook: Making Astrology Work for You and here's a guide to the best books available this month. This column is (c) 2015 THE STARRY EYE, LLC., All Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Purposes Only. Madam Lichtenstein is the author of the best selling astrology book “HerScopes ” now in its 10th printing and available as an eBook.

You are ready and raring to go, go, go now. And why not? You are full of sexy oomph that will need an outlet before all your passion frays some wires and causes an outage. So plug into someone special and see if they become your biggest booster. This is not the time to be shy and demure. Of course that is something you never are anyway, Aries.

Relationships are in for a re-evaluation so get ready. Some need an extra dose of excitement and some need more tender loving care. Whatever you need to make the partnership stronger, do it now. For those Taurean Bulls on the hoof, check out some new pastures. There might be a few strays looking to be hogtied and branded. Whoo hoo.

There might be more Valentine’s love swirling around the office. So see who is occupying the next cubicle and make a move. Geminis are naturally chatty and flirtatious. Use your gift of gab to make new friends, smooth over rough spots in colleagues and build your empire for future success. A few home baked sugar cookies couldn’t hurt either.

It seems to be party season for all Cancers who yearn to be in the center of all of the fun and ache to give their heart away to the right person. How to choose who is right for you, though? Suddenly you are on everyone’s valentines list. Good - make the most of this fortunate time to ramp up your romantic possibilities. And the possibilities are endless.

If your surroundings are starting to look a little shabby, don’t panic, Leo. You will be brimming with wonderful new decorating ideas that will make your hum drum home into a palace. Show it off with a select few and plan some home entertaining soirees designed to capture the valentine of your dreams. Or at least the valentine of the moment.

You speak with passion and conviction now, Virgo. So think about what you really want to say, prepare your message for the right audience and let it be said. Your opinions will carry weight and you can be very convincing. Use this gift of oratory to get what you want from whom you want. The real question is - What and who do you really want?

There are some things that are even more valuable than gold. You will need to figure out what is most valuable to you - physical items or emotional ones. Libras love the glamour and glitter but I think that you will need something more substantive to carry you through the year. Search your choice of valentines and seek a heart of gold.

Not only are you the one to merely know, you are the one that everyone lusts after. So find opportunities to get in front of crowds and introduce yourself to large groups of influential people. There are one or two who will be especially helpful to you throughout the year. What is it about you that has the masses all hot and heavy? Whatever it is, bottle it and sell it to others!

You have more than your fair share of secret admirers, Sagittarius. Why not try and figure out who is who and what is what so you can direct your feelings to the right person? You can be especially perceptive and intuitive when you focus on it and can use your innate logic to your personal advantage now. Gather up your valentines and see how they stack up.

Friends can become lovers if you allow them to be. Not only are you especially popular, you are also able to energize any intimate gathering and make everyone feel welcomed and special. Soon you will be the one to know and invited to certain select circles. I guess that is because love is in the air. Possibly. Do I smell someone burning...?

Make your professional mark. You have the passion and the personal charisma to successfully move among the powerful and the influential and become one yourself. Aquarians may not really want the power and control but when it is handed to you it will be hard for you to say no. Anyway, it is better for you to have it than some other zodiac sign!

Your selection of valentines will expand exponentially when you decide to get out of your routine and reach out beyond your usual pool of suspects. Pisces need to swim in larger waters and see who is schooling around. Only then will you discover who is best for you - someone you already have or someone new. No matter what, you will get a big catch.



Lucky Numbers for the Week of January 29, 2016

Lottery ads tell us you only need a dollar and a dream. But it is also helpful to have a list of lucky numbers to help spur the good fortune ... or fortunes. So with that in mind, here are some lucky numbers that can be used in any helpful way. I gazed into a pool of water, Nostradamus-like, and contemplated the cosmos. Then I mixed the tarot cards and allowed the spirits to guide me to the cards that represent the lucky numbers for this week. Nothing is guaranteed but who knows ....?

I choose eight numbers because 8 is the number of wealth.

Here are the lucky numbers for the week of January 29- Feb 4, 2016:

1, 5, 15, 24, 25, 49, 55, 59

There are many ways to delve into your own consciousness to find luck and intuition. Try reading Dream Power/Improve Your Luck (Super Strength Series) and see if your dreams give you any clues and premonitions. Here's a guide to the best books available this month

LoveScope for the Week of January 27, 2016

LovescopesThere is a new buzz going around that will make all of us making honey like honeybees. See where your heart will lead you this week and take flight.

Do you have big plans for your life, Aries? If so start on your big journey now. You can enlist many admirers on the way and there will even be a few powerful people who can move things faster for you. The sky is the limit. Avoid low ceilings!

Trying something new will have great benefits now, Taurus. So get out of your comfort zone and see where life can lead you. New Friends, new experiences and new ideas are all possible. But you have to get off of your couch. The world beckons.

Geminis are yearning for love ... and they may just find it this week. Take some calculated risks and see how many admirers you can collect along the way. But be choosy so that you can find happiness through out the winter and into the spring.

Certain one to one relationships need some tender loving care now. So be extra cuddly and understanding, Cancer, and make partners feel special and valuable. For those on the look out for love, keep your eyes open. You-know-who is ready and raring.

Start to get into shape this week. There are many opportunities to improve your overall health regime from just modifying your diet to a complete physical training overhaul. Get into shipshape in time for naked beach season. It all starts now, Leo!

Virgos will know where all the great parties are happening this week. So put on your party hearty clothes and get ready to boogie. Everyone will be there. It is a time of great creativity and even a possible romance, bromance or just dance.

Gather a close crowd of friends and family and plan a home based get together now. Libras will find happiness close to the hearth and may even experiment with a new recipe or decor. Spruce, pour the juice and let yourself loose.

Scorpios have something to say now and they should definitely say it. You have the ability to convince anyone of anything now with your charm and compelling arguments. WIll you advance a personal idea to the next big step? It is totally up to you.

Money may come to your more easily this week as your fiscal acumen is sparked and your intelligence peaks. Put your hard won knowledge to work for a cushy retirement. Invest, save and plan for the future. No, the future is not just next month!

Capricorns are super charismatic this week. So don’t waste your efforts on those who are undeserving of your attention. Put yourself in places where not only can you really enjoy all the fun but also where you can add to the action. Spice things up!

Be a bit mysterious now, Aquarius. Not only can you create gossip, you can also unravel a secret that might be holding you back from true happiness. What does the future bring to you? Check out a few crystal balls and see what they say.

Friends get into your act, Pisces. And this is a good thing because you have been a little hum drum. A bit of excitement is just what the doctor ordered. And it think the best prescription involves a few parties, a few partyers and a few party favors..

  Never miss your horoscope again -- free sign up here. Here is my favorite book on astrology and a "must" for anyone interested in learning more: Secrets from a Stargazer's Notebook: Making Astrology Work for You and here's a guide to the best books available this month. This column is (c) 2016 THE STARRY EYE, LLC., All Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Purposes Only. Madam Lichtenstein is the author of the best selling astrology book “HerScopes ” now in its 8th printing and available as an eBook  


Fortunetelling in Georgia

Take a look at the news, and the Caucasus is all about power struggles. But live there awhile, and it becomes all about its people’s passion for living, and the colorful stories that can get missed from a distance. From the whimsical and wacky to the memorable and moving, join EurasiaNet.org’s Tamada Tales blogger Giorgi Lomsadze for a video series on the overlooked aspects of daily life in Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan, and how those lifestyles are changing. In this episode, see how Georgians meet the future in a coffee cup - whether for marriage plans or for Euro-Atlantic integration plans, Georgia’s fortunetellers have all the answers.


Check the video on this site.

Horoscope for the Week of January 25, 2016

Oprah winfreyIn this highly political time, the Sun enters humanitarian Aquarius and enables us to mount our own political campaign. Will you use these talents for good or for evil? Let’s see at election time.

(Oprah Winfrey has Sun in Aquarius

Never miss your horoscope again -- free sign up here. Here is my favorite book on astrology and a "must" for anyone interested in learning more: Secrets from a Stargazer's Notebook: Making Astrology Work for You and here's a guide to the best books available this month. This column is (c) 2015 THE STARRY EYE, LLC., All Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Purposes Only. Madam Lichtenstein is the author of the best selling astrology book “HerScopes ” now in its 8th printing and available as an eBook.

Friends and social groups are even more important to you than usual now. Surround yourself with affirming friends, Aries. Compadres are there for you and vice versa as you fit well into the group dynamic. Make the most of this time - the friendships that you forge now have long term benefits and bring you to a new social level. Err but is that higher or lower....?

Taureans can finally see the professional playing field clearly and accurately. Thank the stars for this light on your corporate path and for pointing out the better strategic opportunities. Play the politico while your charm sizzles and climb one more rung on the corporate ladder. Remember to be kind and generous to those of us that you step on on your way up. Ouch.

Geminis happily plan an exciting vacation in the coming months. Will you try something exotic or relaxing? Maybe a combination of both. And try some judicial balance in any long lingering legal fights or entanglements. You are more willing to compromise and be diplomatic. Not only can you reach an accord you can also rest your case... How about in Paris!

Your sexual drive is whipped into a frenzy this week. Cancers can’t resist adding a few nuts and hot sauce to their sundae. You are in the drivers seat so rev your engines and start moving. Prepare for a romance that has the legs (among other parts) to go the distance through the rest of the winter. Look below the surface though and don’t just settle for a pretty face. Sigh.

Re-value and reassess any one-to-one relationship. You can now easily charm those who can do the most for you in life. Even loving partners are more accepting of your pecadillos. Any of your less than stellar behavior is forgiven and forgotten. For those Leos still on the prowl, you can run with the fast crowd and win. Just be sure you are roaming in the right herd.

Your day to day job seems to go more smoothly this week so get to work! And this effort can mean a variety of things - your actual job or exercise and diet or even deep psychological ponderings and revelations. Virgos toss out any psychological baggage that lowers their confidence. Forget that self flagellation, unless of course you like it that way. Ahem.

Luck is on your side in whatever direction you decide to turn. Use it to your advantage. Your passion for fun, creativity and romance with a special someone is highlighted. So take your latest squeeze by the hand and demonstrate why Libras are soooo romantic and delightful. And your creativity hits a high note this time of year, even if you can’t sing.

It is time to get your house in order. May I suggest a little early “spring cleaning”? There is opportunity for you to conquer any lingering home based project with verve and efficiency no matter how messy it is. Scorpios can more easily deal with family issues now too. To your own self be true and let others adjust. You may be surprised at how smoothly it goes.

Sagittarians are more talkative than usual. Why not use this time to take a cause one step forward? You communicate well and have the artistic flair and diplomacy to draw people’s attention and win their hearts and minds. Get involved in great movements and reach out to friends and neighbors for help. If you take it to the streets you will have followers.

Money issues come into focus. Capricorns have a clearer sense of what fiscal responsibility means and even consider saving for a rainy day. The most important thing is to do careful research into what is and is not feasible. Think about your long term goals and toss out what no longer gets you there. Oh heck - just make several million in the market and retire!

Stand back world; Aquarius is taking center stage. You have so much confidence that it seeps out in a variety of ways. Meet (with a capital “ME”) and press the flesh. Not only are you able to get your point across, you make inroads into any personal project. This is the time to make an excellent first impression. No, not in the living room couch cushions. Get going!

Pisces entertain an enticing psychic thought or two this week. Polish up your crystal ball and see what and who you see. Good things come from your gut reactions, especially if you are helping out others in the process. See where you can make a difference in the world. Charitable acts will bring you back good karma in return. And you can never have too much good karma!



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