Horoscope for the Week of October 21, 2019
Lucky Numbers for the Week of October 25, 2019


A great overview by astrologer Felissa Rose on the upcoming Mercury Retrograde.




Three times each year the planet Mercury goes retrograde.    In 2019 the final time occurs from 11:52 am EDT on October 31 until 2:13 pm EST on November 20th.    When a planet is retrograde it acts more slowly than when direct.   Although this retrograde motion is only apparent and doesn’t actually happen in the heavens  its relationship to the Earth makes it appear to be going backwards, for its orbit remains the same around the Sun.  During this entire retrograde Mercury will be in the sign of Scorpio, at 27 degrees 42 minutes on October 31 and at 11 degrees 38 minutes on November 20. ‘

In astrology Scorpio is a water sign,  a fixed one, like Aquarius, Taurus and Leo.  The fixed signs correspond to the middle of a season.   As leaves fall or have fallen off the trees, and the weather gets colder there’s no doubt that it’s autumn.   Fixed signs tend to be more stable and Scorpio rules still waters, such as lakes, ponds and pools.    The other water signs rule moving water, Cancer the seas and oceans and Pisces rivers and streams.  Astrologically water governs feelings and emotions,  being fixed as well as governing still waters, Scorpio rules the personal feelings that one holds deeply within.

Retrograde energy is expressed more internally as people become more introspective.  As thoughts and  experiences start to surface one is more likely to think of things that happened in the past.  It’s a time to view them as who you are now,   letting go of what you were holding on to that troubled you when it occurred and what you no longer are about.

Mercury rules wires and circuits, things that run with batteries as well as what needs to be plugged in.   While this planet is retrograde, they are more apt to be problematic.  It’s great if it can be repaired but if they need to be replaced,  it would be better to wait until Mercury is no longer retrograde, if possible.  Over the years I have seen people experience more difficulty getting things to work properly while retrograde.   Years ago, while Mercury was retrograde, I had to replace a telephone answering machine, a necessity at the time.  The replacement is still working but there’s no way to turn down the volume on it and anyone in the room can hear whoever is calling.   They’re mostly telemarketers.  People don’t often phone me on my land line.   They use the internet or call my cell phone, so  I don’t feel a need  to replace the machine although everyone in the room can hear what the telemarketer is offering.

Mercury rules how we pick up and  understand information.   It’s best to put off a non-essential  medical diagnosis or treatment while it’s retrograde.  The sign Mercury is transiting Scorpio which rules the sexual and along with Virgo and Cancer,  digestive organs.   Difficulties in these is more likely to occur   while the planet is retrograde here, as planets moving through a sign tend to highlight whatever is ruled by  the sign.

Although Mercury will be going direct on November 20th and things will clear up after that date, Mercury coming to the degree it went retrograde at tends to further straighten things out.   This takes place on December 7th but whether you need a new computer or a medical diagnosis you can go ahead from November 20th on. 

Mercury retrograde can be a time for of deep insight and introspection.    As Leonardo Da Vinci said, “The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding.”   In 2020 Mercury will be retrograde from February 16th to March 9th, June 18 thru July 12th and October 13th until November 3.






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