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What Are Your Local Ghost Stories?

GhostAs much as the Halloween season might make us wish otherwise, ghosts don’t exist. But that shouldn’t take away from the allure and eerie mystery of a good ghost story! The best ghost stories are the ones that have just enough specific flavor and local cultural relevance that they can SEEM believable.

I’ve mentioned the legend of Emo’s Grave, a grave in my native Salt Lake City, that is said to be haunted by the buried soul of some supernaturally vain person. As the story goes, if you peer into the small mausoleum structure that marks Emo’s grave, Emo himself will also appear. According to some of the more frightening tellings, Emo will also attack any curious visitors to his resting place. While Emo’s ghost is, of course, a myth, the grave is real enough, located in the Jewish section of the Salt Lake City Cemetery. Now we want to hear your favorite extremely local ghost stories!

In the thread below, tell us your favorite local ghost story! Let us know where it takes place, how you first heard it, what local spot it revolves around, and if you’ve told or embellished it yourself. Your story may be included in a round-up during Atlas Obscura’s upcoming Spirit Week! Let’s hear those hometown creep outs!

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