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Lucky Numbers for the Week of January 31, 2020

Lottery ads tell us you only need a dollar and a dream. But it is also helpful to have a list of lucky numbers to help spur the good fortune ... or fortunes. So with that in mind, here are some lucky numbers that can be used in any helpful way. I gazed into a pool of water, Nostradamus-like, and contemplated the cosmos. Then I mixed the tarot cards and allowed the spirits to guide me to the cards that represent the lucky numbers for this week. Nothing is guaranteed but who knows ....?

I choose eight numbers because 8 is the number of of wealth.

Here are the lucky numbers for the week of January 31-February 6, 2020:

1, 5, 25, 27, 31, 44, 70, 73

There are many ways to delve into your own consciousness to find luck and intuition. Try reading Dream Power/Improve Your Luck (Super Strength Series) and see if your dreams give you any clues and premonitions. Here's a guide to the best books available this month

CPA Spring Online Astrology Courses

The Centre for Psychological Astrology just released it schedule of Spring online courses. I am happy to share the announcement with you in this post:


Dear All
Here are the details for our Spring 2020 Webinars - you can see the full details and book at www.cpalondon.com/seminars.html

Our webinars are real-time, online seminars in psychological astrology. You are able to interact with the tutor and other students as the session happens via a chat box. Experience a CPA/MISPA seminar live from anywhere in the world through your computer browser. If you can't make it live you can still book and receive four weeks access to the recording of the event afterwards.

Juliet Sharman-Burke
The Craft of Chart Interpretation
Sunday 2nd February 2020 - 15.30-18.00 GMT

You have learned the astrological theory but now how to put it into practice? This seminar will concentrate on the “how to” of chart reading. We will start by looking at some basic counselling techniques which can be usefully applied in chart readings, as well as simple ideas to follow when setting up an astrological practice. I will then present an example chart from my own practice to demonstrate possible ways to interpret a chart. Students will be encouraged to offer opinions, ask questions and share experiences during the seminar.

Darby Costello
Water: Giver of Life
Sunday 9th February 2020 - 15.30-18.00 GMT

Water is perhaps the most mysterious of all the elements. It is in everything, and mostly invisible. And yet, it is so visible: in ponds, streams, rivers, lakes, oceans and seas; below us in the earth and above falling from the sky. It always heads for the sea when left on its own - always seeking unity with its larger self. In our charts it shows us where we are seeking unity, with ourselves, with others, with life itself. Where there is water, we must attend our emotions so they stay healthy and life-giving. Ignored, they become harmful to ourselves and others – over-purified and they become sterile. In this webinar we shall explore astrological Water through signs, planets and houses.

Lynn Bell
The 2nd House
Sunday 23rd February 2020 - 15.30-18.00 GMT

What truly belongs to us? We often judge our self-worth by what we have or don’t have, an object a talent, a treasure. What are we worth to others? Planets in this house need to be part of an embodied experience. We will look at how different planets in the second house affect our self-worth, and what they require of us. People with second house planets can have difficulty recognizing themselves until they have accomplished something tangible. Money, or the lack of it, can be a reflection of these inner issues.

Alexander von Schlieffen
Applying the philosophy of the astrological quadrants in theory and practice
Sunday 1st March 2020 - 15.30-18.00 GMT

The origin of the theory of the astrological quadrants is based on Aristoteles’ writings on the four causes (causa materialis, causa efficiens, causa formalis and causa finalis). Once we understand the inner dynamic of Aristoteles’ beautiful thoughts, we can easily apply them onto any birth chart. That will allow us to get a very quick and profound inside into the dynamic of the horoscope. This perspective requires some new interpretations of the astrological houses as well, this is more than fun.

Shawn Nygaard
Saturn in Aquarius - The Difference Between Us
Sunday 8th March 2020 - 15.30-18.00 GMT

When Saturn leaves Capricorn in March of 2020 and enters Aquarius, it moves into the second sign of its traditional rulership. Where Saturn in Capricorn maintains limits and seeks a disciplined approach to its accomplishments, managing a life in control, Saturn in Aquarius goes further, heading into the outer limits, often deviating from established norms. Saturn in Aquarius takes a breath of fresh air and moves to a different beat. New innovations and potentials present themselves, sometimes as crazy ideas. New and interesting characters, often unfamiliar, step onto the stage where we may not have been looking. Social justice enters the conversation where injustice has prevailed. The focus is on the future while we deal with the difficulties of the present. Saturn in Aquarius asks each of us to participate.

This webinar explores different facets of Saturn in Aquarius, from the nature of the water it carries, to the more complicated tendency of holding onto tradition while heading into the future. Do we bend, or do we break? The answer, as they say, is blowin' in the wind. Includes numerous chart examples and historical events that help to illustrate the gifts and challenges of Saturn in Aquarius.

Safron Rossi
Archetypal Polarities 2: Pisces - Virgo
Sunday 22nd March 2020 - 15.30-18.00 GMT

The zodiac contain 6 natural polarities. These polarities depict archetypal configurations between two signs which symbolize two patterns of consciousness. Each sign contains its own energy as well as the energy of its opposite, and learning to see in terms of polarity helps with understanding both the shadows and potential gifts of each sign.

Session 2: Pisces-Virgo
Essential themes in the Pisces-Virgo dance: Form and vision; matter and spirit; alchemical coagulation and dissolution

See all the full details and book at: https://www.cpalondon.com/seminars.html
Very best wishes

CPA - www.cpalondon.com

Horoscope for the Week of January 27, 2020

Oprah winfreyThe optimistic Sun enters Aquarius setting us off in positive and profitable directions. What major movement will you join ... or control? Live life to the fullest and make a few great changes for humanity along the way.

(Oprah WInfrey has Sun in Aquarius)

Never miss your horoscope again -- free sign up here. Here is my favorite book on astrology and a "must" for anyone interested in learning more: Secrets from a Stargazer's Notebook: Making Astrology Work for You and here's a guide to the best books available this month. This column is (c) 2019 MADAM LICHTENSTEIN, LLC., All Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Purposes Only. Madam Lichtenstein is the author of the best selling astrology book “HerScopes ” now in its 10th printing and available as an eBook

Now is your time to make positive changes not only in your life but in the lives of others. Take it to the streets, Aries, and show the crowd how important the world is to save. You have the ability to sway others to your way of thinking. Do it for the good of others, the benefit of all as well as something meaningful for you. Who knows where it can all lead?

Your long term plans may receive a great jolt as everything that you have been building towards suddenly starts to come together. What will you do with all of this good karma, Taurus? Try to use it to make your future more comfortable, stable and secure. You are able to enlist the help of those with the power to make big things happen. Shake, rattle and roll forward.

Big dreams require a global outlook, Gemini. So don’t content yourself with small steps. Reach out and see what the entire world has to offer. If time and money are tight, do your magic closer to home or via the internet. You can travel cyberspace as easily as easily as a few clicks. But it could have unanticipated major impact on you and others.

Cancers feel deeply but now you can expand the range and force of your love to many people and passions all at the same time. What will fill your cup to overflowing? What will ignite your yearnings? You will soon find out. Then life will not only get more interesting, it will lead you to discover new things about yourself. Plow your inner fields and see what sprouts.

Spend more time trying to figure out what will make certain relationships work better. Leos are apt to give a lot of themselves now to find greater balance and harmony. And it will be worth it in the end when you find greater satisfaction and joy from seemingly minor interactions. It all has a purpose. See if you can figure out how the puzzle pieces fit.

Virgos may experience a burst of extra energy oomph now. Anything that has been sitting on your desk is now ready to complete. Let yourself go and see how much you can accomplish in a short amount of time. And you may not have to labor alone. There are a few helping hands who are waiting to be asked to pitch in. On to the next big project!

There are times when you have so many great ideas that you don’t know how to best corral them. This may be one of those times, Libra. Your creativity soars and your capacity for innovation has never been better. Don’t waste it all on small incidentials. See how you can launch something monumental and long lasting... even if it is the party of the year.

Scorpios may feel the need to break out of their routines and try something very new. It may result in a shift of your living conditions and involve a renovation or redecoration. Apply your design skills to redesigning your surroundings to better reflect the true you. Sometimes its just a fresh coat of paint and sometimes it is a full-on move. You decide.

Sagittarians will find that others are listening carefully to what they are saying. There is great wisdom in your opinions. So plant a few good ideas into a crowd and see what happens. Your best plan is to focus on local issues that resonate with your neighbors and then move into larger and larger circles of influence. Who knows where this can all lead?

Careful and strategic planning for the future is one of your many talents, Capricorn. And now you are able to not only conceptualize and fortify your goals, you are also able to discern the best route to get to where you want to go. So go on the hunt and see where the map leads you. Sometimes it is to faraway places and sometimes it is right around the corner.

The crowds are calling for you, Aquarius. Are you ready? It is time to get out of your shell and prepare for your big entrance. There will be plenty of opportunities now to showcase your talents and abilities as well as important people to see you in action. Check yourself out and see if you need to add a bit of extra flair and zetz so you completely dazzle them.

Pisces may turn inward and seek more spirituality in their lives now. See where your inner voice calls to you. You may find that you naturally gravitate to the higher arts such as meditation, yoga or even the esoteric arts such as astrology or tarot. Whatever helps you seek inner calm is going to be great for you.. and for others. Share your insights.

(c) 2020 MADAM LICHTENSTEIN, LLC., All Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Purposes Only.
Lichtenstein’s highly acclaimed astrology book “HerScopes” has the Stonewall horoscope.

Lucky Numbers for the Week of January 24, 2020

Lottery ads tell us you only need a dollar and a dream. But it is also helpful to have a list of lucky numbers to help spur the good fortune ... or fortunes. So with that in mind, here are some lucky numbers that can be used in any helpful way. I gazed into a pool of water, Nostradamus-like, and contemplated the cosmos. Then I mixed the tarot cards and allowed the spirits to guide me to the cards that represent the lucky numbers for this week. Nothing is guaranteed but who knows ....?

I choose eight numbers because 8 is the number of of wealth.

Here are the lucky numbers for the week of January 24-30, 2020:

3, 5, 13, 17, 21, 35, 37, 66

There are many ways to delve into your own consciousness to find luck and intuition. Try reading Dream Power/Improve Your Luck (Super Strength Series) and see if your dreams give you any clues and premonitions. Here's a guide to the best books available this month

Robert Zoller - Medieval Astrologer

Robert zollerLatinist, Medieval Scholar, and Astrologer. Robert Zoller is the world’s leading proponent of Medieval Astrology. He predicted 9/11 two year ahead with many more successes under his belt came before and after this period.  In 2002, he was awarded the internationally acclaimed Regulus Award for excellence in astrological research and innovation.

It was the use of Medieval Astrology that allowed Robert to predict the events of 9/11 and publish those predictions over two years beforehand. He was the only astrologer who specifically stated that the attack would be by Islamic fundamentalists on US soil, that it would be in September 2001 and he specifically named Bin Laden, but also stating that the House of Bush would be responsible for the mismanagement of this disaster.


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