Horoscope for the Week of April 20, 2020 - The Sun Moves into Taurus
Lucky Numbers for the Week of April 24, 2020

How Do You Write a Horoscope During the Pandemic?

Zodiac signsI write a new horoscope every week and generally, it is fairly easy to map the stars and interpret what is going on. But since the pandemic, I am finding that simple exercise is becoming difficult. I just wanted to share my thoughts on what to get out of my weekly horoscopes as the weeks go on.

For example, if one's 11th house chart sector is being highlighted by a specific planet transit, it usually ignites a social outreach by joining a club, meeting people, connecting with friends. Obviously in a time of social distancing this projection must be tempered by healthy common sense. It is possible to connect socially without being in close contact with others.

Astrological health transits are important to re-interpret for pandemics. If this week suggests that your health is especially strong, that doesn't mean that you go to a physical party.  It means that maybe you can risk going to the store while still staying distant from others. And why not have a virtual party using conferencing software that is easily downloadable and often free?

Physical travel, particularly for fun and not necessity, should be greatly discouraged no matter what the planets reveal. Although you might get special satisfaction from traveling virtually  or viewing some of your previous travel movies from home.

These are just a few things that now go through my mind when writing the horoscope.

Please stay safe and healthy.




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