Horoscope for the Week of September 28, 2020 - Saturn, Jupiter, Pluto Conjunct
Ghosts and Politics - A Must See Event on October 6, 2020

Voting Booth Feng Shui

This previous post bears repeating --

Voting Booth Feng Shui

Last year I found some information of how the placement of voting booths in a polling site can impact how people vote. This post, called Voting Booth Feng Shui might be even more applicable for this year's Presidential election.

The original article was from the New York Times and told about how a team from Stanford University conducted a study showing that where a voting booth is located can make people vote against abortion (if the booth is in a church) or more open to educational funding (if the booth is located in a school). 

Let's be cognizant of where and how we vote this year.
If you'd like to learn more about feng shui in general, here is a highly recommended book to read: Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life : How to Use Feng Shui to Get Love, Money, Respect and Happiness.



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