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Lucky Numbers for the Week of December 9, 2022

Lottery ads tell us you only need a dollar and a dream. But it is also helpful to have a list of lucky numbers to help spur the good fortune ... or fortunes. So with that in mind, here are some lucky numbers that can be used in any helpful way. I gazed into a pool of water, Nostradamus-like, and contemplated the cosmos. Then I mixed the tarot cards and allowed the spirits to guide me to the cards that represent the lucky numbers for this week. Nothing is guaranteed but who knows ....?

I choose eight numbers because 8 is the number of of wealth.

Here are the lucky numbers for the week of December 9-15, 2022:

2, 8, 12, 16, 20, 36, 54, 72

There are many ways to delve into your own consciousness to find luck and intuition. Try reading Dream Power/Improve Your Luck (Super Strength Series) and see if your dreams give you any clues and premonitions. Here's a guide to the best books available this month

Void of Course Moons - January 2023

For those of you who track the void of course moons through the months, here is January 2023. Read more about the definition of the VOC and see how they can improve your timing. And as you get more involved in the rhythms and flows of the planet energies, I highly recommend: Personal Development for Smart People: The Conscious Pursuit of Personal Growth. The author reveals the unvarnished truth about what it takes to consciously grow as a human being. As you read, you’ll learn the seven universal principles behind all successful growth and practical, insightful methods for improving your health, relationships, career, finances, and more.

A big thank you to amazing astrologer Felissa Rose for the charts.

                    January 2023 – MOON VOID OF COURSES


                                                                                                                SIGN MOON ENTERS

VOID BEGINS                  VOID ENDS                                    AFTER VOID

Mon Jan 2 5:18 pm To 9:45 pm                                                       Moon enters Gemini

Wed Jan 4 7:09 pm To Thu Jan 5 9:16 am                                    Moon enters Cancer

Sat Jan 7 5:24 pm To 9:41 pm                                                          Moon enters Leo

Mon Jan 9 8:54 pm To Tue Jan 10 10:16 am                                Moon enters Virgo

Thu Jan 12 6:08 pm To 9:58 pm                                                     Moon enters Libra

Sun Jan 15 3:41 am To 7:09 am                                                       Moon enters Scorpio

Tue Jan 17 9:28 am To 12:34 pm                                                     Moon enters Sagittarius

Thu Jan 19 5:10 am To 2:13 pm                                                       Moon enters Capricorn

Sat Jan 21 10:53 am To 1:30 pm                                                      Moon enters Aquarius

Mon Jan 23 5:20 am To 12:37 pm                                                   Moon enters Pisces

Wed Jan 25 11:13 am To 1:49 pm                                                     Moon enters Aries

Fri Jan 27 4:02 pm To 6:44 pm                                                        Moon enters Taurus

Mon Jan 30 12:53 am To 3:36 am                                                    Moon enters Gemini


You can also check the Void of Course Moon cycle by consulting an Ephemeris.

Please help support this blog by ordering your astrology products here.

Horoscope for the Week of December 5, 2022 - Retrograde Mars Opposes Venus and Mercury

AspectsRetrograde Mars in Gemini opposes Venus and Mercury in Sagittarius. Something we may say or feel could result in unintended actions. Go ahead and do what you want to do, but do it very thoughtfully and carefully.

Here is my favorite book on astrology and a "must" for anyone interested in learning more: Secrets from a Stargazer's Notebook: Making Astrology Work for You and here's a guide to the best books available this month. This column is (c) 2022 MADAM LICHTENSTEIN, LLC., All Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Purposes Only. Madam Lichtenstein is the author of the best selling astrology book “HerScopes ” now in its 12th printing and available as an eBook.


Your communication sure packs a punch, Aries. You have some provocative ideas and opinions that may be amplified and louder than usual. And your projection is so much so that it can have widening and global impact. Wow! Is that what you intended? If so, then go ahead. If not, try to think before you post, tweet or text.


Anything that you are planning to accomplish could get a gale force of energy but can also have much greater repercussions and costs, Taurus. You live and love large. You want only the best for your closest companions. But check and see if your dreams fit well in your budget or if your ideas are practical and attainable.

GEMINI   (MAY 22 - JUNE 21)

There is a delicate balance between what you want and what others in certain relationships want. Communication is pivotal so that each side fully understands the other. Even so, you may be tempted to go ahead with plans. Geminis are advised to find ways to compromise rather than command others in their desires.

CANCER   (JUNE 22 - JULY 23)

Projects that seemed to be on track and controllable can take a bit of a detour, Cancer. Check the directions and reconfirm the goals as you go along. Distractions and rash actions waste time and lead you to an unintended direction. Keep in mind that any detailed job now requires intense concentration. Stay focused.

LEO   (JULY 24 - AUGUST 23)

Life is fun and frivolous, Leo. Not only are you full of great ideas, you have the ability to get things rolling along rather quickly and seamlessly. Events pick up steam fast. But it may seem that the more you get friends involved in any plans, the more confusing and out of control it can become. Maybe that is your ultimate goal? Whoo hoo!


Balance is everything, Virgo. How will you parse your time between competing demands of work and family? Some decisions can be made immediately but I suggest that you delay major moves for a few weeks if possible. There is a changing landscape and lots of movement going on that can make any future decisions easier.


Concentrate on local issues and projects, Libra. Your ability to bring neighbors together and do good deeds for your community eventually launches you into a more global spotlight. Planning and diplomacy will take you far, as will the ability to listen carefully and not make any drastic, dramatic moves before all the facts are in.


It might be a good time to review your value system, Scorpio. Recent relationships could have tested your patience or your ability to provide everything that you wanted to do for another person. The time is ripe for a reassessment to be sure that everything you do meshes with what you really want and value. Seek introspection.


You are you and that is all there is to it, Sagittarius. Don’t let others dictate who you should be or what you should do. Try now, especially in front of new people, to moderate your tone and engage in quiet diplomatic conversation. You can attract more flies with honey than with vinegar. So try to be sugary and win big!


Surprises are in store for you, Capricorn, especially when it comes to working with certain people or with a particularly detailed project. Try not to rush through anything. Read instructions carefully and be cognizant of any changing landscape. Also don’t overdo or stress out. Success is possible as are new and amazing results. Surprise!


Your social calendar fills up and overflows. Be careful of taking on too much and not being able to complete anything tangible, Aquarius, as you suddenly become number one on everyone’s invite list.  There are so many delightful options that it may be hard to choose. But choose you must. Or at least, try to prioritize.


Changes within your home that you might have been planning for a while like a renovation or a move can suddenly feel like they are speeding up and getting a little out of control. Your extra energy and focus can go astray. As long as you know this, Pisces, it will be easier to maneuver and less likely to be stress producing.

(c) 2022 MADAM LICHTENSTEIN, LLC., All Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Purposes Only. @thestarryeye Find astrology readings on tinyurl.com/TheStarryEye and a great sun sign book at tinyurl.com/Herscopes

Lucky Numbers for the Week of December 2, 2022

Lottery ads tell us you only need a dollar and a dream. But it is also helpful to have a list of lucky numbers to help spur the good fortune ... or fortunes. So with that in mind, here are some lucky numbers that can be used in any helpful way. I gazed into a pool of water, Nostradamus-like, and contemplated the cosmos. Then I mixed the tarot cards and allowed the spirits to guide me to the cards that represent the lucky numbers for this week. Nothing is guaranteed but who knows ....?

I choose eight numbers because 8 is the number of of wealth.

Here are the lucky numbers for the week of December 2-8, 2022:

2, 4, 5, 21, 23, 30, 41, 60

There are many ways to delve into your own consciousness to find luck and intuition. Try reading Dream Power/Improve Your Luck (Super Strength Series) and see if your dreams give you any clues and premonitions. Here's a guide to the best books available this month

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