Lucky Numbers for the Week of May 19, 2023
The Chief Exorcist of Rome

Horoscope for the Week of May 22, 2023 - Sun in Gemini

AspectsThe Sun enters Gemini and makes us feel more sociable and maybe even a bit flirty. Let’s see where we can charm and amuse our way to personal success. Turn on the sizzle.

Here is my favorite book on astrology and a "must" for anyone interested in learning more: Secrets from a Stargazer's Notebook: Making Astrology Work for You and here's a guide to the best books available this month. This column is (c) 2023 MADAM LICHTENSTEIN, LLC., All Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Purposes Only. Madam Lichtenstein is the author of the best selling astrology book “HerScopes ” now in its 12th printing and available as an eBook.


Aries seem to be especially popular now as many types of people gravitate into your orbit. Allow your social circle to expand into a globe and join as many new groups or organizations as possible. Your ability to gather and command will enable you to do things you never thought possible before. Go! No sooner said than done!


Your ability to spread your calm and aplomb to any current situation will come in very handy, Taurus. There are things going on that you may be unaware of but as you move and groove, your natural diplomacy and grace wins over any surprising challenge. Thank the cosmos and allow the good karma to waft over you.

GEMINI   (MAY 22 - JUNE 21)

You are charisma personified, Gemini. That means that whoever you feel you need to convince or compel, you can reach and snare. Where do you want to go? Who do you want to be? What do you want to do? These are questions you should consider in any action. All is possible as long as you are focused and flexible.

CANCER   (JUNE 22 - JULY 23)

If finances are a point of concern, you manage to find creative ways to make the budget work. If your money is happily fluid, you find amazing ways to add onto your bank balance. The secret to your financial success, Cancer, is to do the homework, ask the right advisor and take some calculated risks. Go slow and steady.

LEO   (JULY 24 - AUGUST 23)

You know just what to say to move mountains, Leo. Your charisma runs high and your thoughts are spot on to the occasion. So think about what you want to achieve now that your mind is so focused and strong. Then focus and reach out to the right group to help make it all happen. There is nothing that you can’t achieve.


Family issues rise to the top of your to-do list, Virgo. And that is perfect timing since you are especially charming and can get even the most difficult folks together in a congenial manner. Perfect your surroundings any way you can whether that means lowering your overall stress, redecorating or having a happy reunion.


Your creativity is turned up high and your ability to charm the masses is unsurpassed. And you are also feeling quite a bit imaginative. Allow yourself to conjure up a range of beautiful and compelling things that inspires others. How many ways can you just have fun now, Libra? I suspect you will think of a few delightful things…


While you continue to work hard, you now also work smarter. Spread your charisma around the office and among co-workers, Scorpio. You become a team builder extraordinaire and can accomplish so much more that you could do alone. Not only can you finish many projects, you get noticed for your great efforts.


This is a pivotal time for outreach, Sagittarius. Relationships should be a top priority while your ability to bring people together and reach understanding is strong. See where your influence can make a difference and what partnerships need strengthening. Build stronger bonds for the future, now. It will make a difference.


What is it about Capricorns now that get others so intrigued? Maybe it is your jovial and flirty manner. Maybe it is your overall sexy appearance. Whatever floats into the cosmos on your behalf, my advice is to not waste any time. Use these happy skills to your advantage and find the right person for you. Now is the right time.


Travel is highlighted, Aquarius. That means that anything you want to explore or anyone you are planning to meet out of your immediate circle can result in great personal satisfaction. The main move you could take is to get out of your comfort zone and do things that are completely out of your usual normal regime.


Pisces who manage to focus on their long term career path begin to see rewards sooner than later. Your ability to schmooze those in power is impressive. Also impressive is your uncanny sense of where real opportunities lie. You sense when there may be a blockages that you must handle. Go forth and make your fortune.

(c) 2023 MADAM LICHTENSTEIN, LLC., All Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Purposes Only. @thestarryeye Find astrology readings on tinyurl.com/TheStarryEye and a great sun sign book at tinyurl.com/Herscopes


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