The Saturn Return
I would be derelict in my astrological duties if I did not mention the Saturn Return phase of our lives.
Saturn is the planet of discipline and impacts areas in our life where we feel inadequate or afraid. However, it also indicates where we learn our hard fought lessons as a result of difficult experiences.
Not only is Saturn the cosmic “pebble-in-our-shoe”, it also makes itself especially known every 28-30 years or so when Saturn orbiting in the sky matches the exact position Saturn was in at the time of our birth. The Saturn Return occurs first when we are 28ish to 30 (our first Saturn Return), 56ish to 60 (our Second Saturn Return) and, if we are lucky, 85ish to 89 (our Third Saturn Return).
The effects of the Saturn Return last about two to three years like a slow moving threshing machine making mincemeat of our best plans. The best advice for navigating through any Saturn Return is to try to go with the flow no matter how stressful it may feel until you age out of that period (ages 30, 60 and 89). Things are shifting and changing so fast that you couldn’t harness bedrock if you tried. Note too, that anything started during the first Saturn Return specifically tends not to last long term.
Saturn helps us come to grips with our deepest fears (whether we want to or not...). If we face these fears head on, we emerge from this period of life stronger and more enlightened. If we avoid facing our fears and learning the necessary life lessons, Saturn will helpfully remind us at our next return – the Second Saturn Return. Ouch! However, if you have been a good first Return student, your Second Return will be glorious! You reap all of the benefits of a lesson well learned.
The Saturn Return heralds the end of a major life cycle and ushers in a period of great reevaluation, changes and endings. You will have to ask yourself big and scary questions like: Are you living your life true to yourself or are you living for other people’s expectations? Use this time to review your life, whether it be in relationships, career, residence or family but think rather than do. Don’t begin anything new at this time (like a marriage) because there is just too much darn static on the line. Just use the time to reassess, adjust slowly and ride the waves.
The good part is, as this cycle comes to a close, you begin to reap what you have sown. You see, it has a happy ending. So relax. Learn to expand your perspective and brace yourself for enforced changes, possible endings and ongoing challenges and crisis. Then make way for a time of new opportunities, new realizations, solidification and strengthening of foundations, new beginnings and maturity. Ultimately, wisdom makes a great teacher.
Why do we need to know about the Saturn Return in the context of this book? It is because if you are in one of your Saturn Returns, you may need additional gemstone energy infusions that can calm and focus you through the return time period.