Void of Course Moons - January 2025
Lucky Numbers for the Week of December 6, 2024

Mars Retrograde December 2024 into February 2025

Mars moonsHere is a great article on the upcoming Mars retrograde by astrologer Felissa Rose:

Unlike Mercury, going retrograde three times each year, Mars retrogrades approximately every two years.  From the perspective of the Earth, a retrograde planet appears to go backward but only because of its position at the time in relationship to the Sun and Earth.  Mars will be going retrograde on Friday December 6th at 6:34 pm EST at 6 degrees 10 minutes of Leo and turn direct Sunday February 23rd at 9:01 pm EST a17 degrees of Cancer.

Mars rules movement and action.  It’s how we move around and get things done. It also defines the way we move our body.  It has been stationery since late November, a degree away from where it retrogrades, and will be moving through Leo until January 6th when it enters Cancer.  Like all stationary planets it’s particularly strong when in this position.  This can lead to a slowing down in activities and even frustration in group activities as well as sports.

All cutting instruments are ruled by Mars, including knives, blades, razors, scissors, scalpels, etc.  If  using any of these, hopefully not swords, be extra careful to avoid hurting  yourself and others.  If possible avoid elective surgery.   Although most surgical procedures will go as planned, have known of more people who have been disappointed  or needed to have corrected procedures that were done while Mars was in retrograde.

The cutting also relates to  work done on houses and property.  It would be better to put off any new construction while Mars is in retrograde.  I realize delays are often a given when it comes to construction, but mars rules tools and using them during this period it’s likely to take even more time and be problematic.

Leo rules the heart and the spine, Cancer the stomach, breasts, gall bladder and body parts that retain water, sensitivity in these parts of the body will be heightened while Mars transits these signs.   This can also include the signs opposite of each of them, with Leo it would be Aquarius ruling the circulatory system along with the calves and ankles.  Capricorn is the opposite  sign of Cancer and governs the knees, bones and joints if the body, and Mars itself governs the muscular system.    So be observant walking, cycling, and  driving  for Mars rules accidents and acting too hasty can create problems.    There’s an increased likelihood of parts in cars and other mechanical things  needing to be replaced especially if it coincides with periods when Mercury is retrograde.

Mars rules action but also anger and retrograde energy is internalized, so whether retrograde or not it’s best in most situations to think before acting. There are many, especially in our country, who are likely to explode with rage, fermented by the coming country’s leader  that they have  been repressing.   Mars also rules the military, and it will be interesting to see what develops in this area.

Although Mars turns direct on February 23rd it comes to 6 degrees 10 minutes  Leo, the place it went retrograde at, on May 2nd.   Once it turns direct one can go ahead with  both construction and the purchase and implementation of both tools and mechanical things. But things clear up even more and work even faster after Mars comes to the place it went retrograde. 

Mars will next be retrograde from January 10th to April 1st 2027.


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