
Horoscope for the Week of September 9, 2024 - Mars Enters Cancer

AspectsMars enters Cancer this week heralding a time of healthful, calming energy with a bit of intuition tossed in. Allow yourself to flow within the cosmic glow.

Here is my favorite book on astrology and a "must" for anyone interested in learning more: Secrets from a Stargazer's Notebook: Making Astrology Work for You and here's a guide to the best books available this month. This column is (c) 2024 MADAM LICHTENSTEIN, LLC., All Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Purposes Only. Madam Lichtenstein is the author of the best selling astrology book “HerScopes ” now in its 12th printing and available as an eBook.


Whatever family activity or event that you have in mind, discover ways to make it as relaxing and stress free as possible, Aries. This can mean a reunion getaway or a catered affair where you don’t have to do a lot of preparation. This goes too for any home related project like redecorating. Find the time to enjoy more and exert less.


You are not only eloquent you are an especially compelling speaker, Taurus. You intuitively know how to reach others and convince them to your way of thinking. That means that whatever is on your mind, whatever is important or pressing, it could be an opportune time to ask for it. See where you can make a difference.

GEMINI   (MAY 22 - JUNE 21)

Think of more ways to solidify your finances and make strides in your eventual cushy retirement, Gemini. Your mind is sharp and focused on what you need to do to get you to where you eventually want to be. Watch your budget, compute your bottom line and find more successful ways to earn. Success is assured.

CANCER   (JUNE 22 - JULY 23)

You not only have an extra oomph of energy and poise, Cancer, you can use it to expand your influence and make your way through some pretty rarified social circles. You attract a merry band of admirers and influential powerful folks. So don’t sit at home and wait for a knock on the door. Take control of your own success.

LEO   (JULY 24 - AUGUST 23)

There is a lot going on in the background but you seem to have a sixth sense that helps you navigate through the fog. Give yourself some space to meditate and contemplate, Leo. There are things that you can discover about yourself that have great impact in your future life path. Add some charitable efforts for good karma.


You become an effective and successful social director for any get-togethers, Virgo. Your creative vision for group activities becomes the envy of all. So plan some gatherings with friends and acquaintances and see who mixes and matches well. Who knows how this will all play out as the months progress. Party season awaits!


Long term plans receive a boost of energy as you start to focus on them, Libra. There will be new solutions for you to try and powerful people for you to meet and impress. Where do you want to be? What do you want to do? How do you best get there? The time to decide is now as the energy is ripe for the picking.


Travel is highlighted Scorpio. Your ability to discern what is the best escape and how to best plan it out is spot on and successful. The most important thing is to get out of your daily routine and shake some things up. Seeing the world with fresh eyes not only is restorative, it will also enable you to design your future.


How do you express your love, Sagittarius? You may be surprised at how your ability to reach out on a deeper level transforms. You feel more confident to take a calculated risk or decide to totally change how you approach others and connect. Think of what can work best for you in the long term and go forth.


Reevaluate and juice up your relationships, Capricorn. Some may need refreshing. Others could just use a bit more attention. Examine each one to see what efforts work best. You find more ways to strengthen certain connections or you can revamp others or establish new ones. Your compassion and caring takes you far.


Your energy level can hit a high, Aquarius, as you find more ways to improve your health and increase your vigor. But energy can be manifested in many ways. It needn’t be forceful or tiring. In fact, the secret to your success will be to find greater balance in your life, lower your stress and find more ways to relax.


If you find that your creativity is sparked, go with the sparkling energy, Pisces. Find ways to enjoy yourself either through pastimes, artistic projects, parties with pals or interesting hobbies. Anything that you do now even has a profitable future payoff whether it is meeting someone fascinating or creating a masterpiece.

(c) 2024 MADAM LICHTENSTEIN, LLC., All Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Purposes Only. @thestarryeye Find astrology readings on tinyurl.com/TheStarryEye and a great sun sign book at tinyurl.com/Herscopes

Void of Course Moons - October 2024

For those of you who track the void of course moons through the months, here is October 2024. Read more about the definition of the VOC and see how they can improve your timing. And as you get more involved in the rhythms and flows of the planet energies, I highly recommend: Personal Development for Smart People: The Conscious Pursuit of Personal Growth. The author reveals the unvarnished truth about what it takes to consciously grow as a human being. As you read, you’ll learn the seven universal principles behind all successful growth and practical, insightful methods for improving your health, relationships, career, finances, and more.

A big thank you to amazing astrologer Felissa Rose for the charts.

                   October 2024 – MOON VOID OF COURSES


                                                                                                                SIGN MOON ENTERS

VOID BEGINS                  VOID ENDS                                    AFTER VOID

Tues Oct 1 5:40 pm To 6:21 pm                                                        Moon enters Libra

Fri Oct 4 6:42 am To 7:23 am                                                           Moon enters Scorpio

Sun Oct 6 6:54 pm To 7:35 pm                                                         Moon enters Sagittarius

Wed Oct 9 1:55 am To 5:39 am                                                         Moon enters Capricorn

Fri Oct 11 11:54 am To 12:32 pm                                                       Moon enters Aquarius

Sun Oct 13 10:12 am To 3:56 pm                                                       Moon enters Pisces

Tues Oct 15 4:01 pm To 4:35 pm                                                       Moon enters Aries

Thu Oct 17 3:28 pm To 4:01 pm                                                         Moon enters Taurus

Sat Oct 19 3:35 pm To 4:08 pm                                                          Moon enters Gemini

Mon Oct 21 5:01 pm To 6:51 pm                                                        Moon enters Cancer

Thu Oct 24 12:49 am To 1:25 am                                                       Moon enters Leo

Sat Oct 26 4:05 am To 11:49 am                                                        Moon enters Virgo

Mon Oct 28 11:56 pm To Tues Oct 29 12:31 am                             Moon enters Libra

Thu Oct 31 12:58 pm To 1:30 pm                                                       Moon enters Scorpio

You can also check the Void of Course Moon cycle by consulting an Ephemeris.

Please help support this blog by ordering your astrology products here.

Horoscope for the Week of September 2, 2024 - Uranus Trines Pluto

AspectsUranus trines Pluto and makes any momentous move even bigger. Are you ready to transform your landscape? Be prepared to bulldoze!

Here is my favorite book on astrology and a "must" for anyone interested in learning more: Secrets from a Stargazer's Notebook: Making Astrology Work for You and here's a guide to the best books available this month. This column is (c) 2024 MADAM LICHTENSTEIN, LLC., All Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Purposes Only. Madam Lichtenstein is the author of the best selling astrology book “HerScopes ” now in its 12th printing and available as an eBook.


Your long awaited professional payoff may be in the making, Aries. All of that hard work and long hours can finally be noticed and rewarded. And yet this may come as a surprise to you as your attention has been focused on other things. Good. Enjoy the change in direction and see how you can maximize every twist and turn.


Making a big splash is easy for you, Taurus. You find that anything you do and anyone you meet suddenly catapults you into the global arena. Manage your popularity as best as you can as certain goals are met and others change. It will be a surprising and enriching time, especially if you remain flexible and open.

GEMINI   (MAY 22 - JUNE 21)

Secrets spill out in surprising ways which means that emotions can run high. This is great news, Gemini, because it means that hidden loves are revealed and mysteries regarding affairs of the heart are solved. This is the time to expand your capacity for connection, deep emotion and overall joy by being open to the possibilities.

CANCER   (JUNE 22 - JULY 23)

Friends have expectations for you and push you in a certain direction. While they have your best interests and are motivated by care for you, you may feel that you want to make your own decisions. The great thing about this phase is that you are given a variety of good choices, especially regarding relationships, Cancer.

LEO   (JULY 24 - AUGUST 23)

Balancing the needs of the day to day job with your ultimate career path may bring a little stress but it is stress when and where you need it. Concentrate as best as you can, Leo, with where you want to be in the longer term and find ways to make that happen. Some solutions surprise you. Others are baked in to your plan.


You get really creative now, Virgo. Beautiful ideas come fast and furious. Use them. Find more ways to express yourself and expand your vision of the world. This may result in travel to exotic places or lead you to a course of study in a new field. Wherever you go and whatever you do, you benefit in a myriad of artistic ways.


Family members deliver a range of surprises and revelations, Libra. Sometimes when we allow ourselves to really listen, we discover that long held beliefs are no longer relevant and in their place, wonderful new memories are created. Open up your heart and enable some long lost relatives to enter. Who knows?


Certain relationships benefit from expanded communication and honesty, Scorpio. It strengthens the bonds and deepens the commitment. So even if you hear things that surprise and maybe even shock you, keep an open mind and heart to receive all information. Then you can express your feelings and see where it leads.


Your hard work has real value, Sagittarius. Make sure that you maximize it by implementing a variety of new techniques. This may mean a dramatic pivot in your work or it may mean a new approach to finances. Saving and investing more is always good if you do more research and ask advice from trusted advisors.


You make a pretty big splash in some special and exclusive circles, Capricorn. Find ways to express yourself and meet as many new people as possible. Dazzle and impress with your wit, flair and composure. You can be surprised at who leads you into new social territories. Go with the flow and see where you wind up.


Your intuition is sparked by a variety of events, associations and meetings, Aquarius, as your ability to discern things is heightened. Find more ways to reach out to the universe and devote more time to charitable enterprises.  Does this lead you to a new and profound level of awareness? Rewards are in the future.


Pisces find that wherever they go and whatever they do, they have friends there to help them. This can feel especially so in areas of finance and personal values when surprising revelations sprout. Will you change your mind about some long held beliefs as the landscape changes and your perspective shifts? Possibly so.

(c) 2024 MADAM LICHTENSTEIN, LLC., All Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Purposes Only. @thestarryeye Find astrology readings on tinyurl.com/TheStarryEye and a great sun sign book at tinyurl.com/Herscopes

Horoscope for the Week of August 26, 2024 - Sun Enters Virgo

AspectsThe Sun enters Virgo and sets us off on a practical course. Concentrate on the essentials to get to your lofty goals.

Here is my favorite book on astrology and a "must" for anyone interested in learning more: Secrets from a Stargazer's Notebook: Making Astrology Work for You and here's a guide to the best books available this month. This column is (c) 2024 MADAM LICHTENSTEIN, LLC., All Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Purposes Only. Madam Lichtenstein is the author of the best selling astrology book “HerScopes ” now in its 12th printing and available as an eBook.


What needs to (finally) get done, Aries? You now have the energy and the focus to handle even the most detailed project with care and diligence. Cleaning off your desk and checking off your to-do list will not only give you a sense of accomplishment, it will also clear the way for more pleasant and fun pursuits in the coming weeks.


Tap into your creativity, Taurus, and see where it leads you. You are able to put in the hard work to make any event extra fun and memorable. You may even be able to enlist the help of others to help in the effort. Allow yourself time to pursue hobbies and even a light romance. Your ability to discern the elements is high.

GEMINI   (MAY 22 - JUNE 21)

If you find yourself thinking about ways to improve your home environment, grab the opportunity to make it more in sync with you, Gemini. This can mean implementing long desired home improvements or gathering family together for a reunion or rapprochement. Whatever is on your domestic agenda, tend to it now.

CANCER   (JUNE 22 - JULY 23)

Not only are you especially eloquent, Cancer, you sound particularly wise, informed and studied now. So go for it in whatever area demands your insights and opinions. This is also a great time to reformulate some of your long held ideas and theories as your mind is clearer and more focused on the essentials. Good ideas flourish.

LEO   (JULY 24 - AUGUST 23)

Concentrate on your money situation, Leo. You are imbued with a practical sense that makes you more dollars and cents. You are able to do in depth research and find good advice that can lead you to the right investments for you. Saving for a rainy day seems much more compelling than splurging. Pack the umbrella…


You are in the epicenter of all of the happy social activity, Virgo. Not only do you have that certain something that amps up your charisma, you are able to completely focus on what you need to plan, implement and activate to get you to where you eventually want to be. So don’t delay in thinking about what you really want.


You seem to be able to more discern what is going on in the background, Libra. Clues come to the surface and people drop hints. That means that your intuition may be more on target than usual. But, as always, vet your emotions and be sure that the soft and mellow vibes that you feel are based on hard based facts.


Plant yourself in the center of any group effort, Scorpio. You have a lot to offer and have a greater ability to push great movements forward. Join a new group or three or an organization that can offer you substantial benefits. Expanding your social circle will pay off in a myriad of profitable ways in the coming weeks.


Long term plans, especially those involving your career, can get on a more practical course and solidify. Questions are answered and priorities established. Allow yourself the flexibility and freedom to make your own success in whatever field you decide is best for you. Sure, ask advice, but also listen to your own voice, Sagittarius.


Whatever spurs your desire to expand your horizons, feast on it, Capricorn. Getting out of your routine and trying something totally new and untested can not only be refreshing but also inspiring. Seeing the world from a different angle helps you solve vexing problems. Travel, study or even just take a new route home.


Fill your heart with love and light, Aquarius. The opportunity is there. You are now able to manifest all of the deep emotions and yearnings that can lead you to wonderful insights and accomplishments. Dig deep and find ways to repair and revitalize. This is a time of healing so you can go forward with strength and fortitude.


Pisces find more ways to connect, especially in those relationships that demand more attention or an active participation. You know the why, who and what. Find the how and where. Strive for harmony and balance but also be more practical and pragmatic in what you expect and need from others. Breakthroughs are possible.

(c) 2024 MADAM LICHTENSTEIN, LLC., All Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Purposes Only. @thestarryeye Find astrology readings on tinyurl.com/TheStarryEye and a great sun sign book at tinyurl.com/Herscopes

Centre For Psychological Astrology Autumn 2024 Webinars

Dear All

CPA/MISPA Autumn 2024 Webinars
We are pleased to announce that our  Autumn 2024 webinars start on the 20th October- take a look at the full details and book now at https://cpalondon.com/book/webinars/.

Our webinars are real-time, online seminars in psychological astrology. You are able to interact with the tutor and other students as the session happens via a chat box. Experience a CPA/MISPA seminar live from anywhere in the world through your computer browser or app. If you can't make it live you can still book and receive four weeks access to the recording of the event afterwards.


Darby Costello
The 6th and 12th houses: Service and Suffering? So much more.

Sunday 20th October 2024 - 15.30-18.00 BST

6th and 12th houses

The 6th and the 12th houses are often described as places where there are more problems than delights.  The 6th house is naturally connected with Service and Health and the 12th house has been called ‘The House of Self-Undoing.’  Yet when we have planets in these houses and we live deeply the gifts they offer, we experience levels of satisfaction that are beyond words. We shall look at these two houses and aim to plumb the depths of their energy so that we may not waste the gifts they offer when we pay attention.


Martin Moritz
Neighbours and yet strangers: How to combine planets in neighbouring signs

Sunday 10th November 2024 - 15.30-18.00 GMT

neighbouring signs

Planets in neighbouring signs are difficult to integrate and can lead to a kind of parallel existence in our consciousness, functioning on an on-off principle. Since they share nothing with each other—neither element, quality, nor polarity—they represent opposites. Patience, the ability to reflect, and a certain tolerance for one's own contradictions are required here.


Safron Rossi
Saturn and the Kore Goddess

Sunday 17th November 2024  - 15.30-18.00 GMT

Saturn and Kore

We all know the outer face of Saturn which we encounter through limitation, restriction, frustration, delays and discipline. The gold is in the inner meaning of our Saturn experiences which is self-knowledge, authenticity and maturity. While we are familiar with Saturn personified as the Devouring Father and Wise Old Man in myth and legend, there is another little known archetypal figure who shines a light the golden inner core of Saturn and the potential in our work with this principle—the Kore-Virgin. This archetype is personified by the most revered Virgin goddesses of the classical Greek world including Persephone, Artemis, Athena and Hestia. One-in-herself, the Kore helps us see how Saturn symbolizes a deep integrity grounded in our essential nature and character. Drawing on Safron Rossi’s book The Kore Goddess: A Mythology & Psychology, the seminar will explore the astrological meaning of Saturn alongside the Kore archetype, its mythology and core psychological themes, as well as Saturn natal placements. 


August offer - 50% off past webinar recording:

Safron Rossi
The Dance of Distinctions: Archetypal Polarities in the Zodiac Part 3: Cancer-Capricorn & Leo-Aquarius

August offer

During the month of August MISPA are giving 50% OFF Safron Rossi's insightful 'The Dance of Distinctions: Archetypal Polarities in the Zodiac Part 3: Cancer-Capricorn & Leo-Aquarius' video recording from our past webinar recordings collection. You can rent it now by following the link  https://bit.ly/auguvod and using the code vQb2bC when renting from Vimeo.


See all the full details and book at: https://cpalondon.com/book/webinars/.

Previous webinars are available to view on demand here: https://www.mercuryinternetschool.com/video/.


Follow MISPA on Instagram for the latest updates, news and learning opportunities at @mispaschool.

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