Superstitions and Other Bird Thoughts
Today a bird flew into our door window and I felt a shudder of superstitious fear. I recalled that when a bird flies into a house or hits the door or window that it could portend something terrible. In hoping that I was wrong, I began to search superstition sites and I found a great one that I would like to share. Haunted Hamilton is a great site that offers a list of different superstitions and even some background as to where they came from.
So as for the bird, which was black, brown and white and recuperated after its hit and flew away, the superstitions are --
- A bird that flies into a house foretells an important message. However, if the bird dies, or is white, this foretells death.
Signs of Impending Doom - Birds flying into a house or banging against the window.
Of course Snopes always likes to weigh in on this. And I did find an encouraging reading apropos of a bird flying into a window again on Keen:
Bird Flies at the Window, Death Knocks at the Door? Re-posted by Request. I've heard this ominous saying for years, and it still sends chills over my body. My question, however, is what does it really mean when a bird flies at your window? Not just once, but again and again? My sister told me months ago about a little red bird that has been flying at her window every day, sometimes a dozen times. When he isn't hitting the window, he is perched on the arm of a patio chair, and it was at the point where she was really becoming concerned because she, too, had heard the ominous phrase.
I finally did a reading for her and was told that this bird was there to protect her, and he was also warning her of potential danger. Clearly, not a death, but just telling her to be aware of potential dangers around her. She took the warning to heart, took extra care to avoid accidents around the home, and she even went so far as to have a security system installed. Three days after having the system in place, she was awakened to the screeching sound of the security alarm, and found someone attempting to open her downstairs door. Fortunately the police were called out and the intruder was apprehended. Coincidence? I think not, and neither does she.
Her bird has since stopped flying into the window, but he still sits on the chair, her little guardian angel, watching over her. My point in all of this? Be aware that our Guardian Angels take many forms, and I believe that their attempts to get our attention will continue and become stronger until we get the message. So don't force the little bird to break your window. Be aware of the sights and sounds, the seen and the unseen around us, because the protection and the message is always there.
If you want to check out more bird superstitions, check out Flights of Fancy: Birds in Myth, Legend, and Superstition
And, for those with a belief in guardian angels, you can use your favorite bird as your guardian angel, learn all its information, and even design it into your favorite small items such as Custom Keychains to carry with you.