
Centre for Psychological Astrology Summer Webinars

CPA/MISPA Summer 2024 Webinars
Here's a reminder that our summer webinars start on 12th May 2024 - take a look at the full details and book now at https://cpalondon.com/book/webinars/

Our webinars are real-time, online seminars in psychological astrology. You are able to interact with the tutor and other students as the session happens via a chat box. Experience a CPA/MISPA seminar live from anywhere in the world through your computer browser or app. If you can't make it live you can still book and receive four weeks access to the recording of the event afterwards.


Darby Costello
Progressions and Transits: Navigating Clues

Sunday 12th May 2024 - 15.30-18.00 BST

Over time we all become acquainted with transits over our chart and at some point we start using one or another form of progressions too. We shall look at secondary progressions here, and explore how to weave transits and these progressions together, when helping ourselves and others navigate our inner and outer lives.


Shawn Nygaard
The Moon and the Outer Planets - The Many Moods of the Modern Moon
Sunday 2nd June 2024 - 15.30-18.00 BST

Significations of the Moon across astrology bring together an interesting assortment of images. As the grand and revered Queen of the velvety night sky, overseeing our sleeping and dreaming, she is associated with “the unconscious.” Her monthly phases from waxing toward full brightness and then waning back to darkness draw out the psyche’s many moods. The Moon’s nourishing qualities connect her with the archetypal and literal Mother, who give birth to little bodies and the Moon’s association with the whole of the physical body.


This webinar looks at what happens when this vital and intimate figure of the Moon connects with the outer planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, planets aligned with the profound shift in the collective from traditional times into the modern era. We will look to natal charts and transits to the natal chart to see what happens when the Moon hooks into the restlessness and rebelliousness of Uranus (“the Awakener”), the often-overwhelming sea-world currents of Neptune (“the Loosener”), and the deeper and darker underworld regions of Pluto (and his “riches”). How do these dynamics relate to the above-mentioned qualities of the Moon, from psyche to body? The webinar includes numerous chart examples. 


Jason Holley
Relocation Charts: Place and Psyche

Sunday 9th June 2024 - 14.30-17.00 BST (Note earlier start time than usual)

Soul loves particularity, and often particular places. Most of us have experienced that different locations seem to call forward different dimensions of ourselves. An astrological way of saying that different creatures in our own Circle of Animals (‘zodiac’) find habitat in different places. 


As with so much astrology, relocation is often framed as ‘good’ and ‘bad’ places, or through dismembered fragments of the local sky such as ‘my Jupiter line’ and so on. But a more soul-oriented, psychological, and fuller exploration of the local sky also invites us to more interesting and complex stories waiting to be discovered and told.  


In this talk we will contemplate the images of one method of relocation astrology, that of the ‘relocation chart’ which shows us what the sky over a particular place looked like at the moment of our birth. We will explore how Psyche and Place are in ongoing dialogue with one another and co-create one another. Attending to this relationship can enrich and dimensionalize our experience of ourselves and other people’s experience of us.  It can also help us into a deeper and or meaningful relationship to particular Places we live and visit, weaving us into more reciprocal and conscious relationship with land all those who live in and on it.


Plus don't forget Liz Greene's webinars on Mars taking place in May and June. You can order recording access tickets for parts Two and Three, and you can still order the recording of Part One if you missed it!


See all the full details and book at: https://cpalondon.com/book/webinars/.

Previous webinars are available to view on demand here: https://www.mercuryinternetschool.com/video/.

Hidden Mythology: Decoding Everyday Symbols

Atlas Obscura is offering a fascinating course on Mythology that might be of interest to readers of this blog. It starts on May 25 and can be accessed virtually. Here is the information:


Starts: May 25

Symbols can be found everywhere, from our coffee cups to classical art, if you know where to look for them. Join mythologist Dr. John Bucher for a deep dive into the relationship between our world, symbols, and the mythology they’re steeped in.

By the end of this course, you’ll understand the importance of symbols in human societies and a new way of engaging with the imagery and mythology that surround you.

Syllabus At A Glance:

Learn More
Enroll Now


Different Types of Prediction - Astrology

Portrait galleryMartin van Creveld is Professor Emeritus of History at Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and one of the world’s most renowned experts on military history and strategy. He wrote a blog post on all of the various forms of prediction. What he has to say about astrology specifically is pretty interesting:


Along with shamanism, astrology is probably the oldest method for trying to look into the future. Its roots go as far back as Babylon around 3,000 BCE. That is why, in Imperial Rome, it was known as the “Chaldean” science. At the heart of astrology is the proposition, so obvious as to be self-evident, that the sun and moon (which, before Copernicus, were classified as planets) have a great and even decisive impact on life here on earth. Building on this, its students try to make that impact more specific by also taking into account the movements of the remaining planets, the fixed stars, and the relationships among all of these.

Even today, almost one third of Americans are said to believe in astrology. True or false, that does not change the fact that, unlike any of the above-mentioned methods, it is based not on any kind of altered state of consciousness but on observation and calculation. Of the kind that is practiced, and can only be practiced, by perfectly sober people in full possession of their faculties. So mathematically-rooted was astrology that it acted as the midwife of astronomy, helping the latter become the queen of the sciences. This position it retained right until the onset of the scientific revolution during the seventeenth century.

Center for Psychological Astrology - Spring Webinars

CPA and MISPA Spring Webinars

Our Spring Webinars start on Sunday 28th January 2018 - you can see the full details and book at http://www.cpalondon.com/seminars.html

Our webinars are real-time, online seminars in psychological astrology. You are able to interact with the tutor and other students as the session happens via a chat box. Experience a CPA/MISPA seminar live from anywhere in the world through your computer browser. If you can't make it live you can still book and receive two weeks access to the recording of the event afterwards.

Faye Cossar - Pluto and his Mother-in-Law Ceres
Sunday 28th January 2018 - 15.30-18.00 GMT
Now Ceres is on an equal footing with Pluto, should we use her in our work?

Ceres, who had been a planet until 1850, and was then categorized as an asteroid, became a dwarf planet in 2006, which put her on a par with Pluto. Ceres (Demeter) is the sister of Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto, and as such was important in the Greek hierarchy. She was worshipped far and wide by Romans and Greeks, and in astrology has become a major earth and fertility goddess, best known for the myth ‘The Rape of Persephone (Proserpina) ’. But she is far more than this. A major feminine archetype, her upgrade means that her themes are coming back into consciousness. The green movement, the women’s movement, natural cycles, genes, food, and agriculture are all part of her remit. Faye will look at the astronomy, history and the myth of Ceres and her relationship with Pluto. By presenting case studies showing Ceres in mundane and individual work, she suggests meaning and themes that can be given to this dwarf planet. What is coming into consciousness and how can we (also as astrologers) make use of her energies in today’s world?

John Green - The Great Work - The Person not the Chart
Sunday 11th February 2018 - 15.30-18.00 GMT
The Great Work or Magnum Opus is an alchemical term for the process of creating the philosopher's stone. It has been used to describe personal and spiritual transmutation in both magical and psychological systems. How do we use our chart as a basis for the Great Work? We have to remember that the map is not the territory and so the chart is not the person. When we work with our chart, or that of our clients, how do we connect to what is important within it to help us develop and individuate. What techniques can we apply to find wholeness? Today’s webinar will explore the nature of this Great Work in relation to the birth chart.

Shawn Nygaard - Planets in Capricorn – What is a Mer-goat?
Sunday 25th February 2018 - 15.30-18.00 GMT
Capricorn, often considered the most “realistic” and disciplined of signs—ruled by Saturn—is, curiously, symbolized by one of the most peculiar symbols in the entire zodiac: the mythic, imaginary mer-goat, sea-goat, or goat-fish.

Pluto is currently moving slowly through Capricorn, accompanied by Saturn in December 2017. In January of 2020, Saturn and Pluto will conjoin in Capricorn, an exact and extremely powerful alignment, with the Sun, Mercury, and Jupiter adding to the mix.

With the focus heavily on Capricorn for the next few years, it’s worth asking the question: “What is a mer-goat?” Through exploration of myth, cultural imagery, and numerous charts by way of the mer-goat, we can uncover hidden potentials within Capricorn, without being limited solely to the kind of hard realism often encountered with this sign. 

Lynn Bell - It’s Your Fault: Projection and Idealization in the Birth Chart
Sunday 4th March - 15.30-18.00 GMT
It can be all too easy to see what we don’t like in other people. How does that dislike or dissatisfaction show up in the birth chart? 

Oppositions are one way, energy is projected outside the self. This is also true of certain house placements, notably the 7th which traditionally signals enemies as well as partners. The 10th symbolizes authority, our role models for good or bad. There are idealistic projections in the 9th house, and fascinations in the 8th. While these may be the easiest to identify, any quality that is disowned in the self can be projected. Understanding that some of this negative feelings have to do with us is an important part of work on the self, and any work with clients.

Juliet Sharman-Burke - Elements, Modalities and the Tarot Court Cards
Sunday 11th March 2018 - 15.30-18.00 GMT
We talk a lot about the elements but not necessarily as much about the modalities.

In this seminar, we will look at the Cardinal Fixed and Mutable signs as they are reflected in the King Queen and Knight of the Tarot Court Cards. While there are many different ways of connecting the Tarot with astrology, when Liz Greene and I designed the Mythic Tarot we felt that the Court Cards and the myths that described them were able to give shape to the astrological modalities in a unique way.  In this seminar we will discuss these ideas and the ways we can use myth and imagery to enrich our chart readings.

Clare Martin - Astrology, the Soul and the Water Houses
Sunday 18th March 2018 - 15.30-18.00 GMT
In this webinar we will explore the water houses as realms of the soul.  It was Jung’s lifelong task to rescue the soul from the obscurity and neglect into which it had fallen in our culture, and his Red Book demonstrates that the influence of the soul is as relevant and powerful as ever. 

Planets in the water houses and their planetary rulers describe the nature of our personal, ancestral and collective inheritance.  They describe our psychic vocation, where and how we are affected by the residues of the past, find ourselves blamed and scapegoated, or become catalysts for change.  The water houses also describe our sense of being deeply connected to, and supported by, the eternal flow of life.

Booking is available on the website here
All fees are to be made by PayPal. Cancellations will be accepted 48 hours before the seminar after which the fee will be forfeit (an admin fee may be charged).

Tarot Cards - More Than Just A Deck of Cards

Taort wheel of fortuneI just discovered a new blog on the Tarot and wanted to share it with you. It is called Tarot Cards - More Than Just a Deck of Cards

 As a great fan of the tarot and its meditative powers I think it is important for one to choose the right tarot decks -- one that offers the reader a contemplative, non-subjective read capacity. I tend to read with decks like the Swiss or the Spanish. And yet many readers like the Ryder Deck. It is one of the most popular. For me, that deck has too much subjectivity in the drawings on the cards. But that is why there is so much choice out there - everyone seeks a little something different. And that is great!

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