
Alabama Schools to Sort of Allow Yoga

According to Oxy - Yoga, to a certain degree, will now be allowed in Alabama public schools again.

Namaste, y’all! Ok, so you still can’t say that in Alabama public schools, where yoga was banned in 1993 at the urging of Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum. But this week, Republican Gov. Kay Ivey signed a Democrat-sponsored bill to allow the Eastern fitness tradition to be taught in the upcoming school year. However, in keeping with conservative Christians’ (as well as atheists’) fears of kids embracing Hinduism, GOP lawmakers caveated the bill by banning “any aspect of Eastern philosophy and religious training,” like saying “namaste” or meditating, and permission slips are required for the one-footed tree pose.

Flexibility Yoga 30 Minute Workout To Boost Mobility

Starting Today - Free Feldenkrais Classes

Feldenkrais Method is similar to yoga but not yoga. It uses, according to their website, gentle mindful movement to bring new awareness and possibility to every aspect of ones life. This week they are offering free virtual classes so you can see for yourself.


It begins Tuesday, September 22 and runs through Sunday, September 27. Like TODAY.

See you on the mat!


Don't Just Avoid the Virus - Defeat it by Strengthening Your Immunity

Reducing Stress through Meditation During the Pandemic

Yoga2This is certainly a stressful time. Whether you live in a hot spot like New York City (where I am) or in a place that has (hopefully) not experienced an out break yet, we can't help but feel much more stressful. It is not only health, social and familial stress but also economic, professional and job-related stress. The full solutions to these hardships are yet to be found. But hopefully we can find ways of channeling our stress into productive actions.

Here is a list of some of the free stress reducing services being offered which can be accessed anywhere over the internet. I hope this list is useful and helpful. Stay safe.

Travel the World - Virtually

Open Center in NYC Offering All Types of Free Online Seminars - Meditation, Herbal Medicine, Shamanic Healing and others.

Meditation by Oprah and Deepak Chopra

Yoga, Meditation at Integral Yoga in NYC

Meditation at FreshPrana

If you have others, please send them on and we will add to this list.


What is Yin Yoga

I have begun to practice yin yoga for a few reasons. One is that, being glaucoma suspect, I have been advised not to do inverted yoga poses like downward dog. That restricts what I can do in regular yoga classes. With yin, that is not an issue since yin is more stretching and more relaxed. What a great thing to do for the new year!

Now:Yoga just sent me an email which is informative for all interested in learning more about both yin and restorative yoga - both great for those who cannot do inverted positions:

what is yin?

The perfect complement to dynamic (yang) fitness and busy city life, yin yoga is a quieter, more inward practice that utilizes long-held, floor-based postures which benefit your deeper “yin” connective tissues, such as the fascia, for the purpose of increasing circulation in the joints, improving flexibility through myofascial release, and releasing tension in the neck, shoulders, hips, and hamstrings. A more meditative approach to yoga, yin aims to cultivate awareness of inner silence and to revitalize our energies.

In this 2-hour yin workshop, supported by the healing environment at Now Yoga, we’ll work with the breath and the prana vayus. Prana means “life force,” and vayu means “wind” or “direction of energy.” Working with the vayus can help us regulate the physical body, mental health, and energetic renewal, and to find greater steadiness and life balance.

Register here for Yin Yoga for Stress Relief this Friday 11/30 from 6:30pm–8:30pm
come for yin,
stay for restorative

Sink into two full hours of yoga in a practice designed just for women to help us unplug, turn inward, and cultivate rest, leaving us revitalized for the rest of the weekend. 

Class will begin with some active movement for building heat and stretching out, and will then move into a series of restorative postures. These restorative poses will utilize plenty of props (bolsters, blankets, straps, blocks) to support the body’s complete release of effort for maximum relaxation.


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