Pet News Links Around the Web, 5.24.09
Here are some great news bits from bloggers and the press that you may have missed. Follow the links for good stories and perhaps discover some new sites.
I assume you have heard of Sockington, the cat that has more than 500,000 followers on Twitter. Well now you can visit Twitshirt and have your favorite Sockington tweet printed on a shirt. What's your favorite Sockington tweet?
I have written about using wee wee pads in For Senior, Elderly Cats: Wee Wee Pads (not just for dogs). Here, at the Dog Guide, Dan Stein writes about 4 Other Uses for "Puppy Pads."
Daisy the Curly Cat declared Straw Hat Day! in celebration of the coming summer. I don't know how you get a cat to pose in a straw hat, but this photographer certainly does. Take a look at her cute photos.
Great Green Pets describes an Eco-Me Dog Kit that "includes recipes and ingredients to make your own flea/bug spray, clean wipes, shampoo and biscuits."
If a dog were to buy an aromatherapy candle, what would it look like? You can find the answer to this question (search the site archives for "candle") and get lots of laughs at off the mark site. This site has a database of cartoons by Mark Parisi with a good selection of dog and cat humor.