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Pet Horoscope for Dogs and Cats: September 2010

Dog horoscope Cat astrology The summer is winding down, be there is still quite a bit of sun-baked energy going around. Keep your eye on the antics of our furry, feathery and scaley pals as the Sun jumps from practical Virgo into breezy Libra.

Do you wonder why a Capricorn is so doggedly determined, why the Piscean pup is so dreamy, and why that Leo hound always tries to steal the limelight? If a pooch pounces on the vet, chances are Rover is an Aries. Stardogs: Astrology for Dogs reveals new ways of thinking about dogs. In Astrology for Cats astrological expert Joyce Jillson shows you how to uncover your cat's sun signs and understand their cosmic characteristics.

Aries pets are interested in cuddling when the Sun glides into Libra. Offer oddles of cuddles and make them feel special. They want your company and may not leave you alone for a minute. If this seems unusual, wait until next month when their attention goes elsewhere.

TAURUS   (APRIL 21 - MAY 21)
Taurean pets are hard at work this September digging, hiding and generally running around. Expect little gifts to be left on your pillow. Be sure to give them a little extra in their dinner plates as a reward.

GEMINI   (MAY 22 - JUNE 21)
Your Gemini pet may happily knock over a few treasures this month thanks to an overactive Sun in sociable Libra. Batten down the hatches and engage them in activities that keep them on ground level.

CANCER   (JUNE 22 - JULY 23)
Cancer pets are content to stay around the house this September. They may be found happily hiding under the bed, in the bathtub or in the back of the closet. Goad them out with a purrfect treat...

LEO   (JULY 24 - AUGUST 23)
There is a clatter, chatter and clamor around Leo pets  this month as the Sun encourages them to meow, bark, bleat and howl. Ordinarily quiet ones may be making quite a racket. Thank goodness, this too shall pass.

Virgo pets may be especially selfish with their toys this month and may hide things around the house to protect them. Try not to step on anything in the dark. Ouch!

Libra pets are full of personality and energy now. Others gravitate to them and they are the hit of the block or pet walk. Treat them to a grooming session. They are more aware of their appearance and would love it!

Scorpio pets seem more intuitive now and can sense when they are being fed dry food or human food. Don’t try to fool them while herding them into the travel case for a trip to the vet. They will hide until October!

Sagittarian pets are especially popular now and they love it. They walk with confidence, looking for compliments and a few cuddles. Anyone that comes near them has to give them loads of attention or a piece of shrimp. Hint hint.

Capricpets seem especially careful this September and may refrain from risky behavior like climbing to the top of the refrigerator or jumping over a favorite table. Do they want to make a good impression or are they just tired?? Ask them.

Aquarian pets may have a tendency to wander off this month thanks to the expansive Sun. Wise parents will make sure that the screen doors are closed and the windows are only slightly ajar. When all else fails, dust off the leash...

Piscean pets are especially rambunctious and randy this September and can get into all sorts of mischief. If you are not interested in the pitter patter of new little paws or claws be sure to buy them a toy to keep their mind off natural pursuits.

(c) 2010 Madam Lichtenstein, LLC, All Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Purposes Only


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