How to Stay Safe During the Holidays
The holidays are right around the corner, and it's the time of year that we have to pay close attention to what is going on around us. Immediately following Halloween, Christmas tunes are being played in the stores to match the display of holiday decorations, lights, Christmas trees and gift sets that all seem to miraculously appear overnight. For many of us, the holiday season can be very stressful with the demands of shopping, decorating, planning parties and the lack of money to spend on all these festivities may add up to distraction and anxiety. Predators are very busy this time of year, and they are ready to pounce on anyone who is simultaneously carrying a million shopping bags while searching for car keys and talking on the cell phone. We are all guilty of befalling into the the mad hustle and bustle of the holidays with little focus on anything else. The downturn of the economy,high employment rates, and the rise in foreclosures, have fueled a negative influence on communities across the nation. Violent crimes, especially against women, are on the rise, and the desperation of the times is only going to help influence the numbers to go up.
The following tips from the Los Angeles Police Department Crime Prevention Section can help you be more careful, prepared and aware during the holiday season.
- Shop during daylight hours whenever possible. If you must shop at night, go with a friend or family member.
- Dress casually and comfortably.
- Avoid wearing expensive jewelry.
- Do not carry a purse or wallet, if possible.
- Always carry your Driver License or Identification Card along with necessary cash, checks and/or a credit card you expect to use.
- Even though you are rushed and thinking about a thousand things, stay alert to your surroundings.
- Avoid carrying large amounts of cash.
- Pay for purchases with a check or credit card when possible.
- Keep cash in your front pocket.
- Notify the credit card issuer immediately if your credit card is lost, stolen or misused.
- Keep a record of all of your credit card numbers in a safe place at home.
- Be extra careful if you do carry a wallet or purse. They are the prime targets of criminals in crowded shopping areas, transportation terminals, bus stops, on buses and other rapid transit.
- Avoid overloading yourself with packages. It is important to have clear visibility and freedom of motion to avoid mishaps.
- Beware of strangers approaching you for any reason. At this time of year, "con-artists" may try various methods of distracting you with the intention of taking your money or belongings.
Source: LAPD Crime Prevention Section
We need to consider these safety tips and make it our second nature to stay alert, stay focused and be prepared to protect ourselves against violent behavior inside and outside the home. While shopping also consider one of our pepper sprays or stun guns as a cool stocking stuffer or one of our personal alarms which acts as a loud distress signal that is sure enough to scare a predator away. Our home safety products are affordable and make great gifts for students who are away at college, and our auto safety tools are perfect companions for everyone who drives a car, especially at night.
Keep yourself, your family and your home safe this holiday season, and bring in the New Year with peace of mind.
*check your local and state law before purchasing a TASER®, Mace, Pepper Spray or Stun Gun.
*The purchase and use of any personal protection devices such as TASER®, Mace, Pepper Spray or Stun Gun is the sole responsibility of the purchaser. The purchaser assumes all rights and liabilities from the use of any of these products.